Athleticism in game

Younger people are now hugely encouraged to take part in sport now because they are the countries future stars. One way in which this is helped is by making a reduced cost for younger people playing that sport. By doing this it creates a greater chance for more people to play sport.

There are many ways in which children can start to play golf and begin very early in developing their game from a young age. Since the new arrival of Tiger Woods in 1997 the way in which golf is approached is completely different. Woods has brought a new look at athleticism to the game. Children are now being encouraged to play golf at a very young age like Tiger Woods. There is a golf development structure that is being used called “Get into golf” and the overall aim is to increase the participation in England, whilst still providing more opportunities for people who wish to sustain interest further by accessing membership to a golf club.

This programme is endorsed by England no.1 Justin Rose and also an all time great Nick Faldo. There is a golfing action plan, which is aimed at 6-12 year olds. This is to structured in such a way that it makes golf visually attractive and colourful, whilst still making the basic concepts similar to the real the real thing. This is called “Tri-golf” and has started to introduce the basics of the game, etiquette and the rules of the game in an enjoyable way. There is specially developed equipment suitable for young people to develop their game and more importantly make it safe. Also they have devised golfing activity suitable for children at primary school age, whilst considering the limited space in most primary schools.

When a player aged 14 or above has reached a good level of golf, many doors open for what they can do. If the player is aged under the age of 18 they may represent their club in the youth shield, which is a team event that is played in every county. They can also play in the Leslie F. Wood team event that

Eldrick (Tiger) Woods, now 27 years of age, has had an amazing career since becoming a professional golfer in the late summer of 1996. He has won 52 tournaments, 39 of those on the PGA TOUR, including the 1997, 2001, …

As I do a lot of dancing I take part in many shows, competitions and examinations. These happen quite often, normally monthly. I am specifically fit for dancing. This is an extension of general fitness; it is necessary if the …

The approach adopted by a leader varies with both the individual and the situation. Leadership has three specific styles. These are known as autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire. Autocratic is when a person was to take control of the situation. The leader …

Advertising panels around the pitch to attract the capital of local businesses. Sponsorship by local businesses in return for the name and logo being featured on the team jersey. Additional social events at the pavilion such as a fancy dress Halloween ball, …

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