Skill-related fitness requirements

Basically, it’s important to recognise that exercises for the abdominal area are not about achieving a “six-pack. ” Being strong through the trunk is critical to developing good posture and preventing back soreness and injuries in cricket. With reference to cricketers, core muscular strength is vital to playing for a sustained period of time and playing performance. Reaction Time

Reaction time is the time it takes for a person to respond to a signal, this is a necessity in cricket as there are many situations where a cricketer will need good reaction times from batting when the ball is travelling at 70+ mph and also in the field with catching as reaction time could be the difference between winning and losing a match because of a dropped catch Agility Being agile is the ability to change position and direction quickly; it demands a high level of balance, stability and co-ordination.

The nature of cricket brings about unpredictable movements and situations that need to be reacted to quickly. Basketball Physical fitness requirements Cardiovascular Endurance CV Endurance is the body’s ability to exercise whole muscle groups over an extended period of time at moderate intensity, utilising aerobic energy. It is essential in basketball as games last for a long period of time and players need to carry working with their bodies efficiently without tiring to be of full use to the team

Muscular Endurance A single muscle’s or a group of muscles ability to perform sustained work over a period of time. Muscular endurance is also key as in the nature of the game basketball requires many different muscle groups mainly the legs to keep moving over and over again therefore it is key that muscles do not tire easily as the game goes on. Flexibility Flexibility basically refers to the range of movement about a joint.

Being flexible allows an adequate range of motion about certain joints to avoid conditions of muscular stiffness and/ or the restriction of certain fundamental movement patterns. Therefore in basketball this allows players to move into positions that could get them into a scoring position or block a shot from an opponent due to flexibility in the back and shoulder area as well as the legs. Skill-related fitness requirements Agility Agility is your ability to change direction at speed. Your agility is dependent on a combination of factors such as speed, strength, balance and co-ordination.

The way basketball is played brings about unpredictable movements and situations that need to be reacted to quickly therefore agility is an essential part of the game. Reaction Time Reaction time is the time it takes for a person to respond to a signal, in basketball this could be the difference between blocking a shot or not due to the reaction time of a player or reacting quickly enough to get into a gap that has just opened up for a scoring opportunity, a good basketball athlete will take advantage of this situations if they have a excellent reaction time.

Cardio-respiratory endurance is the heart’s ability to deliver blood to working muscles and their ability to use it. It is related to the VO2 Max, this is the volume of oxygen you can consume while exercising at your maximum capacity, …

Speed is the maximum rate at which a person is able to move his/her body over a certain distance. It is a production of repeated maximal contractions, usually associated with short distances, i.e. 100m sprint requires very good speed. Reaction time …

Speed is the ability to perform a movement quickly. Speed is an extremely important part in football because during a typical match, a football will spend 2 of the 90 minutes at least sprinting. Although this doesn’t sound a lot, …

Greatest amount of force an athlete can exert at one time. Can be weight training, push ups, pull ups, exercises that build your muscle power up. Is normally measured by the amount of weight the muscles can lift at once, or applying …

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