Should reproductive hormones be used to alter fertility?

There may be many different reasons why a person might want to use reproductive hormones. Two of the main reasons could be to increase their fertility or to control it. There are also many risks/ side effects which might occur when using the hormones The natural method of reproduction has become only one of many new techniques used today. There are millions of couples that do not have the ability to reproduce on their own because of infertility and therefore, must resort to these new techniques.

The main causes of infertility are that of hormonal malfunctions and anatomical abnormalities. There are many ethical debates on whether artificial means of reproduction should be used I do not think that fertility drugs should be used to increase fertility. As they have many side effects, for example, clomid is a mild ovarian stimulant that can cause headaches nausea and breast tenderness, which often can not be predicted, however I do believe everyone has the right to have a child so therefore I think that the holistic approach can be taken.

The holistic approach does not use synthetic hormones and mess with the bodies’ natural system. “This approach utilises complementary therapies to improve the results of high-tech care – or uses minimally invasive diagnostic techniques to improve the results of complementary care. The combination of complementary and conventional care works well but more importantly; it can give the couple the highest potential for success. ”

When fertility drugs are used many people believe that they just do one thing and increase fertility however they can have many harmful side effects. Many people can over look this when they decide to use them to increase their fertility. “The effectiveness of fertility drugs such as Clomiphene and Bromocriptine are overshadowed by their many, and often very harmful, side effects. Are infertility drugs worth the cost that possible side effects have? ” http://serendip. brynmawr.

edu/biology/b103/f01/web3/pendzich. html . . Fertility drugs can often be seen as a factor which can increase a woman’s chances of having ovarian cancer. “One factor is that an increased number of uninterrupted ovulations in a woman’s lifetime increase her chance of developing ovarian cancer. This may explain why events that interrupt the constant cycle of ovulations, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, and oral contraceptive use, are associated with a decreased risk of ovarian cancer.

Another factor is that increased levels of certain hormones associated with ovulation, such as human chronic gonadotropin, increase the risk of ovarian cancer. When using fertility drugs they can increase both the levels of hormones in the body and the number of ovulations. http://serendip. brynmawr. edu/biology/b103/f01/web3/pendzich. html Multiple births can also be a problem when drugs are used to increase fertility as they can occur in 50% of cases particularly in young women under 30.

Multiple births can be also be a problem as they can result in sickly premature babies. Wherever ovulation is induced with fertility drugs multiple births will always be a risk. Where conception takes place unassisted there is about one in eighty chance. When inducing ovulation the figure is one in ten. During fertility treatment when the patients are scanned to check the progress of the drug on the ovaries if four more mature follicles are found on the scan the cycle is abandoned because of the increased risk of multiple pregnancy.

I think that this is wrong, because the women’s hopes are raised; the person has also had lots of expensive drugs put into her body which have been wasted. It is not fair on the person having the treatment. There are also some religious reasons as many cultures do not believe in using drugs to alter a person’s fertility and they believe that it is god’s way and that if you can not have a child naturally you should not have a child by using drugs. Another example on when reproductive hormones are used to control fertility.

I believe that hormones should be used to alter fertility in this example but the person using the hormones needs to careful. These types of reproductive hormones do not have as strong side effects as reproductive hormones used to increase fertility. The contraceptive pill is made from synthetic hormones made in a factory. There are long lists of side effects which may occur when taking the pill some of the most common ones are weight gain, cancer risks and blood clots. Doctors believe that when the risks and benefits are compared they think that they do more good than harm.

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