Should my child have the MMR vaccination?

Why is this question even being considered? The above graph shows that when the vaccine was licensed, there was a sudden drop in reported cases of RUBELLA, MUMPS and MEASELS. So why is this question being asked? In February 1998 research led by Dr Wakefield is the first to suggest that the MMR vaccine might be linked to an increased risk of autism and bowel disorders. MMR stands for MUMPS MEASELES AND RUBELLA. The MMR the injection of immunity against measles mumps and rubella it is given to a child around the age of one with a booster dose before starting school. If a child catches any of the diseases he is isolated from school.

If the mother has been protected then the baby will have the mother’s antibodies and is already immune. How does a vaccine work? Step 1 Small amount of disease MOs are put into your body. Dead or inactive forms are used so you don’t get the disease itself. Sometimes just parts of the MOs are used. Step 2 White blood cells recognise the foreign MOs. They make the right antibodies to stick to the MOs. Step 3 The antibodies make the MOs clump together. White blood cells digest the clump. Step 4 If you meet the real disease MO, the antibodies you need are made very quickly.

The MOs are destroyed before they can make you ill. Vaccines Vaccines make use of the bodies own defence system. They kick- start your white blood cells into making antibodies. So you become immune to the disease without having to catch the disease first. Are vaccines safe? In the UK any medical treatment used on people should do two things: . Improve your health . Be safe to use Doctors decide that a treatment is safe to use when: . The risk of serious harmful effects is very small . The benefits outweigh the risk However people react differently to medical treatments. Some people could get well, and others can get worse .

vaccines can and will protect your health. ANTI BODY RESPONSE GRAPH At the 1st exposure our body is infected by some bacteria that are causes of the disease at about 5 days. The following take place between 5 days and 28 days. The bacteria reproduce. It makes antibodies to destroy the bacteria. The white blood cells reproduce, now there are lots of white blood cells making antibodies. The bacteria are killed (you begin to feel better) Most of the white blood cells that make this antibody die, but a few stay in the blood. At the 2nd exposure to the antigen, At about 28 days. You are infected by the same bacteria again.

But the bacteria are killed before they can make you ill. You are now immune to the disease. How does a vaccination protect you? A vaccine works by injecting small amounts of dead or inactive MOs into the body’s blood cells. Such a small amount that it can’t affect you. Once your body recognises it threw the above processes you become immune to the disease What is autisms disease? Autism is classically defined as a devastating disorder It as a severally incapacitation disability that was relatively rare. It occurred in approximately 1-2 infants per 10, 000 births. The disease is first noticed when the child begins to talk.

Those affected have highly unusual, aggressive and self injurious behaviour. Within the first six months of age, parents noticed something was wrong when children did not coo or smile. They resisted infection and did not interact normally. “A person with autism describes their condition… : Reality to an autistic person is a confusing, interacting mass of events, people, places, sounds and sights. There seems t be no clear boundaries, order or meaning to anything. A large part of my life is spent trying to work out the pattern of everything. ” (Source twenty first century science)

As you can see autisms is a major cause for concern. Autism doesn’t have any major visual clues on a child. In reality you wouldn’t be able to tell a child with autism apart from another, Autism is a disabling brain disorder. It affects the way in which people understand and react to the world around them. This causes them to act differently than others. Many autistic people have a hard time using words to say what they want or need, where as others might end up repeating the same word or sentence over and over again. The difficulty in understanding what others are saying can cause great confusion.

They may see or hear a person talking, and although every word has been heard, they fail to grasp the meaning of what has been said. A child with autism may be perfectly happy one moment, but all of a sudden become sad or angry, or even have a tantrum. This may be because they can’t tell people what they want. Taking the wrong turning or a certain noise could trigger this reaction, or simply parking the car on the wrong side of the road. The fact is, it could be any number of things, For the parent or carer of the autistic person finding the cause can be a long slow process. (If not at times impossible)

A lack of communication can lead to frustration and confusion both for the autistic person and for the people around them. Many people with autism have ritualistic behaviour, insistence on routine and sameness. An autistic person may be perfectly happy to go to a familiar shop, but take them to a different shop to buy the same item, and they may become frustrated, withdrawn, and even fearful. An unfamiliar space or routine no longer feels safe or secure. The autistic person can find it very difficult to relate from one situation to another. Reality to an autistic person can be confusing, a mass of events, people, places, sounds and sights.

With no clear boundaries, or meaning to anything. They do however share problems in three key areas. Communication, Social Interaction And Imagination. Autism is often referred to as a “spectrum disorder,” meaning that the symptoms and characteristics of autism can present themselves in a variety of combinations, ranging from extremely mild to quite severe. People with autism can often have accompanying learning disabilities but everyone with the condition shares a difficulty in making sense of the world. (Source http://www. paains. org. uk/Autism/whatisautism. htm)

The link between the MMR vaccination and autism When did the link between MMR and autism occur? The theory came around when Dr Andrew Wakefield: of the Royal free hospital suggested that common childhood vaccine may be linked with autism …

Vaccinations are very vital in life. They improve the immune system and prevent us from serious life-threatening infections and disease. A vaccine is a product that produces immunity from diseases. Vaccination is an injection of a weakened or killed organism …

Autism have been recently in the headlines because of an intriguing story that links the cause of autism with vaccination among children. Actually there are many pending cases in court houses all over the United States that tackle this sensitive …

Pertussis of known as whooping cough is primarily caused by the bacterium Bordatella Pertussis, which is similar to measles in terms of its mode of transmission, particularly via the respiratory route. The condition is highly contagious especially within a household …

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