Sexual development

Sexual development: information based on changes which are related to physical and emotional changes in the body. When a child hits puberty its reproductive systems mature and this marks the beginning of the transition from childhood to adulthood. The educators must make sure that the young adults understand the concept that when boys and girls reach the age of 11 years to 14 years, their testes or ovaries release hormones that actually being the process of sexual development. All these developments are considered necessary and are known as the primary sex characteristics because they are essential to the ability to reproduce.

The sex hormones also stimulate the development of secondary sex characteristics that is the physical changes that differentiates between a male and a female. These changes have a serious effect on a young adult’s behavior and attitude and self concept. The educators also should understand the fact that the young adults during the changing period they become more sensitive about their appearances. For example, the females worry about their weight and whereas the males worry about their height. And in this process the young ones also suffer from self consciousness.

Reproduction: this is related to fertility and transmission of diseases like HIV, genital herpes or HPV (Human Papillomavirus). Sexual reproduction is usually related with fertility, and the young adults should have information regarding reproduction. But it must be remembered that reproduction has its drawbacks as well, for example, a newborn can be born with HIV/AIDS since its parents had it, because one parent transferred it to the other parent during sexual intercourse. Another consequence of reproduction is unwanted pregnancy and most girls get abortions as soon as they realize that they are pregnant.

In a survey of 1998 somewhere around 38% of the teenage pregnancies were aborted. Contraception: this is related to protection in the form of contraceptive pills, condoms or birth control pills. Awareness about contraceptive methods can help reduce unwanted pregnancy and STIs and HIV/AIDS. There are different methods to contraception like the taking of birth control pills by the female, pills alter the ovulation period and it 99% to 100% effective, pills are usually taken so that it could prevent unwanted pregnancy. Another form of contraceptive would be condoms and these are somewhere around 80% to 85% effective.

A male condom can help prevent the transfer of HIV/AIDS and sexual transmitted infections. Relationships: it is related to commitment, marriage and partnerships between individuals who are having sexual intercourse. The educators should make sure that the young adults understand that fact that when they conduct a sexual intercourse with someone, they indirectly are committed to that person and should understand the significance of marriage and healthy relationships, because a healthy marriage and relationships are the elements of building a community and society.

Therefore they should not take this as a light matter. They should understand the fact that intimacy should only be shared when there is a capacity for them to develop deep and meaningful relationship and care for other then they should be involved in it. With the help of relationship education the young adults are able to develop their moral and emotional feelings regarding sexual intimacy. They respect themselves along with others and they gain confidence in return, so that they are able to transform themselves from a child to an adult.

With the help of education about relationships the young adult are able to promote the spiritual and moral developments along with cultural and mental development of others as well as any of the society and it also prepares the young adults for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences for their future lives. The educators would know that when their education about sex and relationship is effective when the young adults do experiment in early sexual intimacy but it also teaches them to understand human sexuality as well.

(Sex and Relationship Education Guidance 2000) Abstinence Education Programs: it is important that educators should introduce programs that stop the young adults from have early sexual experimentation. Some abstinence education programs include, Virginity Pledge Programs, Not Me, Not Now, Abstinence by Choice, Teen Aid and Sex Respect and Postponing Sexual Involvement (PSI) etc. (Rector 2002)


Allerston, S & Davies, G (2001), Sex Education: Sex Education. Nelson Thornes Andrews, G (2005), Women’s Sexual Health. Elsevier Health Sciences Baker, P Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (2007), Teenage Pregnancy and Reproductive Health. RCOG Coleman, J C. & Hendry, L B (1999), The Nature of Adolescence: 3rd Edition. Routledge Levesque, R J. R. (2003), Sexuality Education: What Adolescents’ Rights Require. Nova Publishers Mayer, K H. & Pizer, H. F. (2008), HIV Prevention: A Comprehensive Approach. Academic Press

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