Sexual activities

The brain is the center of sex activity in the human being. There is production of several substances which are the controllers of the sex nature. Long sides with testosterone, the sexual activities in men are highly depended on vasopressin. This is generated from amygdale which is one of the emotional centers of the men’s brain. This chemical is very much crucial in the sexual activities of the men as it has several purposes. The emotional attraction of men towards women relies on this chemical. The substance concentrated to the forefront of the faces.

It is said higher concentrations of such chemical substances in the fore sides of faces makes men to have great attractions towards women. Due to this chemical, the puzzling lives of David in highly destroyed. (John,1996)Although David faces several warning that of his misbehavior, he consistently continues to have romantic live with those young school girls until his dismissal. This chemical is highly used differently in other male animals. According to studied, this particular substance is used for marking of territories which acts as guide to the animals.

While the vasopressin from brains is used in attraction purposes, many researchers have found out that while men may produce it in the first foreplay, similar the female would also do the same. This causes the men sides to have much attraction towards the women while the women would try to move away. Due to the fact that the level of vasopressin is determine and depended on the testes like the testosterone, then, we can assume that mostly men would have more of vasopressin than there female counterparts.

This is why David would get attracted to the opposite sex in the school even after being warned. Lucy seems to understand what David cannot: that to live where she lives she must tolerate brutalization and humiliation and simply keep going. “Perhaps that is what I must learn to accept,” she tells her father. “To start at ground level. With nothing … No cards, no weapons, no property, no rights, no dignity … Like a dog.

” If David actually reclaims some dignity by the end of “Disgrace,” it is only because he gives up everything, gives up more than a dog ever could — his daughter, his ideas about justice and language, his dream of the opera on Byron and even the dying animals he has learned to love without reservation, without thought for himself. (Leonard & Laurence,1997) The kind of sex behavior that occurs in men is also depended on the brain chemical known as dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical which is released to brain to trigger the sexual desires. The removal of dopamine from the male brain is has enormous impact to male sex conduct.

The male sexual desire is greatly reduced or it’s completely abolished. To a greater extent, the males are said to go search for female due to the possession of the vasopressin in them body. This perhaps is what made the two David and his daughter to fall victims of the three men. The three men would attacked them did physical harm to the father while they sexually raped his daughter. This can be seen as a combination of these chemical which distinguishes the attraction and sex desire in men driving the sexual behavior. (Robert, 1995) Conclusions

Looking at the brain of men, there is great correlation of the sex behavior and conduct that is driven from the substance which are generated or released to it. Certain chemical like testosterone, vasopressin and dopamine are some which makes men to portray different kinds of sex behavior. The sex drive and behavior in neither learning activity nor is it gained by activity but it’s an inborn characters that emanate from the brain and chemical communication. While most men have the chemical that bring about linking to their opposite sex, the female are depicted to have the possession of those properties in which they delete such links.

Therefore, most men are thus in possession of higher sex drive than their counterpart females who have much low level of those chemical for sex attraction and aggression.


Chris M. & Robert A. (2000),the Longman Handbook for Writers. 2nd Ed. New York: Longman, John J. (1996). The Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers. 4th ed. New York: HarperCollins, Leonard J. & Laurence B . (1997) The Allyn & Bacon Handbook. 3rd ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Robert C. (1995) the St. Martin’s Handbook. 3rd ed. New York: St. Martin’s,

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