Human Pheromones and Sexual Attraction

The article states that the ability of humans to use their sense of smell has been underestimated. People have believed that humans are species that rely only on their sense of sight and on their ability to verbally communicate. Compared to animals, humans have very little ability to smell. However, studies conducted on pheromones led scientists to believe otherwise. Research showed that this certain type of hormone affects humans’ behavior, socially and sexually.

Experiments done showed that there were increased occurrences of sexual interaction and communication if individuals wore this hormone while with their partners. Personally, I was surprised with what I discovered regarding this topic. I believe that compared to other animals, humans have less smelling capabilities. The fact that pheromones have this much effect on human behavior is surprising because we are not even aware of its presence and what it does to us. All along, we believed that our social and sexual behaviors were influenced only by visual and oral communication, as well as direct contact.

Pheromones would bring about better sexual interaction to humans because this would aid in the attraction that they feel for the other Although the results of the study seems to be promising, people should also remember that this is purely based on physical and sexual attraction. Pheromones cannot bring about a good relationship that is based on love and trust. This is why people should not rely on hormones if they want to find the perfect partner who would complete them not only through

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