Self-administer medications

They may provide seminars to educate the elders regarding the possible diseases that they could have and what medications they can have and which they couldn’t have. Many people tend to self-administer medications even without consulting experts. Elders should get knowledge of even the first thing to do when they experience difficulty, like the onset of a stroke, difficulty in getting up, dizziness, etc. 4c. Hospitals, local municipalities and even the media could help promote the activity.

The activity is more on awareness and giving guidelines and it would be good to have a large set of audience. All people need to become aware of what kind of illness or disease elders experience because everyone will eventually become elder. 4d. the target audience for this program would be the elders, especially those who are oftentimes not chaperoned. They are the ones who should get the most from the seminars. Even those who are near to the elder stage of their lives may participate in this type of program so they will be aware of what could come to them in a few years.

The other house members of adults may also come and participate so they could also know and help their elder member relieve their pain. 4e. I think everyone will become affected with the program because the concern that the program addresses is an eventual stage of our lives. The most people who will be affected with their beliefs or practices will be those who have the least education on health and medicine. 4f. Like mentioned earlier, the success of the program will depend on the set of the audience. Those with the least knowledge of health should be those who should really attend to the program.

Seminars or a segment on a TV show or even short-time radio ads could help provide awareness to even those not targeted as audience. The internet is also a big help. 4g. Audience can send their reactions on a medical forum or address it to the email provided on the site. Contacts will be provided so they could give their reactions and feedbacks. 4H. the promotion of the program is more on an outbound process. The initiative would come from center. They can post schedule of seminars on their site or on local bulletin boards.

Maybe the center can also hold small seminars on their office for unplanned consultations. 4i. the impact will be measured based on the feedback of the people. A post-assessment can be done to see if the audience was able to apply what they’ve learned from the program. It is quite difficult to evaluate the impact because the program is more on awareness. 4j. The budget need not to big. Because the center is a non-profit organization, maybe they could ask for free use of venue and electricity, if they will be conducting it somewhere else aside from the office.

In a year, the cost wouldn’t exceed to more than $500. 4k. Pharmacists can provide assistance and they could also provide the seminars themselves because talks would involve medication and pain relievers. There will also be a lot of questions regarding medicines that the pharmacist could answer. They could answer for questions regarding doses, where to buy, or what can be bought with or without prescription and what could be the possible home remedies.


Southwest Suburban Center on Aging. 2006. Retrieved 17 April 2009 from http://www. swscoa. org/programsservices. html.

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