Safety of Patient

There are many solid points that pressurize the people related to the field of medical to adopt the system of EMR. One of the great uses of EMR is that the complete history of patient makes the treatment more secure and safe. The medication, illness, reactions, allergy, sensitivity of the patient is present in the record and it allows the doctors and physicians to analyze the situation of the patient. The record of each and every patient is available and the physicians use those records for further treatments.

Confidence of Patient: When the patients realize that their history is safe and the physicians is treating them by keeping in mind their old problems and medications then they are very much satisfied and their confidence is built up on the physicians. For doctors and physicians this confidences counts a lot as the patient is satisfied with their treatment and will be their patients without having any doubts in their mind that whether they are being treated with care or not.

Participation of Patient: The patients should also be forces to involve themselves in taking care of their health. They should be involved in watching their own records that are being placed in EMR. There are many types of information that is needed to be filled by the patient. The patients should be allowed to see their history and it makes them satisfied and also allows them to keep in mind their history.

Patients should participate in their own health care by checking their history and present records on the EMR and also by providing the new statistics to the EMR. Improving Billing and Collections: EMR also helps in improving the collection of the records some times important information is missing that can create a lot of problem and the organization has to answer the medical authorities such as licensing boards, hospital committees, Medicare and so on.

All the record of the payments and daily work should be present so that no problem can take place. If the system is paper based then some times just due to the lack of times it is not possible to manage the records completely which sometimes result in lack of information at the time of need. If EMR is managed properly then it will be easy to find out the missing information from the database easily. EMR also helps to streamline the process of billing.

There are soft wares of EMR that are designed to help in increasing the revenues by improving the precision of billing. It also helps to get rid of the need of external services of billing. Effective EMR charges can be levied easily of removing concurrent data. This process also decreases the time to take the review on the current tariff and charge structure and also decreases the time spent on maintaining charge structure. EMR is also capable of recognizing the elements that are needed to increase the payment.

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In this age of information technology and development there is a huge need of computerized systems like electronic medical records in every health care organization. As these computerized systems improves the efficiency of the performance as well as they tends …

EMR is not only providing with the electronic documentation but it is also providing the physicians with a way to research more and learn more. If the EMR is implemented and the staff is taught how to use it and …

Patient Safety plays a major component in providing a safe and accurate care. And (JCAHO) Joint Commission and Accreditation on Healthcare Organization plays a significant role on quality, safety and improvements. The accuracy and safety of the patient is at …

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