Rules To Explain The Importance When Observing Children

Objective – Being able to look at the facts, being free from bias and your own point of view. Subjective – Looking at things from your own point of view, being influenced by pre-conceived ideas, not looking at the facts and being impartial. Validity – The information gathered and the method used are relevant to the study being undertaken. Reliability – The method used to obtain any information, can be repeated and is consistent. Error – When you make a mistake whilst observing children, you could miss interpret something, you could also miss something if your busy writing down.

When carrying out observations make sure that you try to be objective, make valid observations, and think about reliability during the observation. Perception. It is clear that we should be aware of the way we perceive things when observing children. It is important that we don’t jump to conclusions based on what we perceive but rather on what we have objectively explored. For example, if two people are observing the same child they may pick up different things and see things differently. * Attitudes. Our attitudes, values and beliefs may affect our approach to our research.

Attitudes may be positive or negative. We develop beliefs, personal opinions, and come to determine our own personal set of principles, or standards of behaviour, which we adopt as our personal guidelines and which influence our behaviour. Our beliefs are developed through knowledge and information we gain from the world around us. People develop different beliefs. Bias. Bias, whether intentional or unintentional, may affect the reliability of our research. When formulating questions for a questionnaire or for use during an interview, it is important to be objective as possible.

Often statistics may be gathered for a particular interest group so the results may reflect this bias. * Ethical Protocols. When observing children, you should remember that you are studying a child who is important and precious to their family. The baby or young child is also very vulnerable and has the right, as well as the family, to be protected from any unpleasant or inappropriate intrusion into his/her life. Thorough consultation should be undertaken with the family and other people concerned. This should be supplemented by a full written explanation of the nature of your study and how it shall be carried out.

This should be a letter asking for the approval from the parents. Confidentiality. Ethical conduct includes respecting the confidentiality of any information, however it is obtained. Real names and details which could identify your subjects should not be included. You should not disclose to anyone any confidential material.  Rights. Your child and the family have certain rights which you should respect. For instance they can refuse permission for you to undertake any observation and can withdraw permission at any time.

The child has the right for your observation not to prevent any development or cause any form of distress.  Responsibility. You have a responsibility to be accurate in your observations. The observations undertaken and the information gained should be purposeful, relevant and valid. The observations should not merely be motivated by the disposition to seek explanation and information. Rules to explain the importance when observing children. 1. When carrying out observations make sure that you try to be objective. 2. Make valid observations.

3. Think about reliability during the observation. 4. Be aware that more than one thing can be happening at any one time. 5. Keep your beliefs and personal opinions out of the results of the observation. 6. Be aware of bias. 7. Use the same method of observation for all the observations to keep a constant result. 8. Make sure you keep all confidential information safe and secure. 9. Make sure the child is willing to participate and if not don’t do it. 10. Make sure the information you gain is purposeful and relevant.

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