Risks and Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery

What is cosmetic surgery? Cosmetic surgery is a process of one or more surgical procedures that are used to restore or enhance the appearance of different parts of the body. Cosmetic Surgery is a specialty field that is growing in the medical profession. The number of cosmetic surgery procedures performed in the United States increased by nearly 1 million from 2006 to 2007. Some of the unsurpassed known procedures include tummy tucks, skin treatments, liposuction and breast implants.

Cosmetic surgery can be defined as a method of correction, restoration, or enhancement of any part of the body. Cosmetic surgery is believed to have been started in America mid nineteenth century during World War 1 to reconstruct or repair injuries on wounded soldiers. To date, cosmetic surgery has made leaps and bounds in technique and technology of tools and products used. Cosmetic surgery is still used to correct any malformations that may have been caused from an accident or from birth defects, but it is also commonly used to improve the looks and appearance of people in today’s society.

Many people do not like their look or the size and shape of certain parts of their body so they reach out to a cosmetic surgeon to correct that feature and enhance their looks. Both men and women are becoming increasingly concerned about their physical appearance and are seeking cosmetic surgery. Some studies report that people are generally happy with the outcome of cosmetic procedures, but there has been very little rigorous evaluation. More extensive procedures like rhinoplasty, a surgery to correct or enhance the nose, appear to require greater psychological adjustment by the patient than restorative procedures like a facelift.

Patients who have unrealistic expectations of the outcome are more likely to be dissatisfied with the cosmetic procedures. Some people are never satisfied with cosmetic interventions, despite good procedural outcomes. Whether a person is in the market for Liposuction, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, or any other cosmetic procedure, they will need to make sure they choose the most suitable doctor for the procedure. The person should perform thorough research to gain as much knowledge for the best educated choice.

They should research previous patient experience and results for each surgeon. Keeping in mind that results will vary from patient to patient due to the bodies physical characteristics, multiple surgical errors or complaints can weigh a lot in making a sound decision. It is important to know what questions to ask each surgeon about their available techniques. It is also important to research each surgeons skill, experience, and credentials. For example, asking the surgeon about his or her specialized education and practice in the procedure to be performed.

Also, a patient should verify if the potential surgeon is board certified with the American Board of Plastic Surgery for their location. This certification indicates that a surgeon has completed extensive specialized training that not only shows his/her superior knowledge and experience but also speaks of their commitment to excellence in the industry. Checking with the Better Business Bureau is another source of information to research. Another piece of information to know is if the surgeon operates at their own site or out of a hospital.

Surgeons performing in a hospital have regulations and higher expectation put on them because the hospital has liability for surgeon error. Surgeons performing on site do not have these extra checks and balances. Although there are benefits to cosmetic surgery there are quite a few health risks involved. One health risk is infection, not only around the incision, but your body is still weak and healing from the surgery making it susceptible to develop infections in other parts of the body such as the bladder or sinuses. Nerve damage is also a possible side effect.

When a person has cosmetic surgery, their nerves are manipulated during surgery and this can cause numbness. Like most surgeries, there is always a chance of blood clots. There is also the chance of emotional risks when the surgery does not produce the desired effect that a person expects. Last but not least, there have been complications that have lead to death. If a person is choosing to have an elective cosmetic procedure, they should check all possible risks involved and check with their doctor to make sure their body is healthy enough.

People may want to schedule themselves an appointment to consult with their primary physician before scheduling a cosmetic procedure just to make sure their body is in good enough health to pull through safely and recover from such an extensive surgery. Women can be petite and look physically fit, but if their body is not properly taken care of, the surgery could poses health risk as well as interfere with the recovery. We have been told that what matters is on the inside and not the outside. This saying seems to be taken as an old outdated saying to the current generation and even leading to the older generation as well.

A lot of women who think about getting cosmetic surgery have a natural desire to look younger or better than they currently look. The same desire that motivates people to buy an anti aging cream or to cover up their grey hair can lead them to wonder about going out and getting a face lift or some other means of cosmetic surgery. But making the decision to have an elective cosmetic procedure is not as simple as going to a local Walgreens or Wal-Mart and deciding on which anti aging face cream to buy.

Sometimes patients build up cosmetic surgery in their minds as the answer to all their problems. If a person believes cosmetic surgery will rescue their failing marriage or land them a promotion at their work, thenthey are probably making the wrong decision. In several areas across the United States, mother-daughter cosmetic surgery duets are on the rise. Cosmetic surgeons are seeing more and more mothers and daughters come in together before weddings and vacations to have facelifts, nose jobs, and even Botox or other fillers just to make sure they are “perfect”.

With shows like Desperate Housewives being broadcast into homes around the world, it is no surprise that millions of women and men have turned to cosmetic surgery for smoother skin, perkier breast, and a super-cinched waistline. In a world where extra small and size zero are hailed as the desired size, it makes sense that so many women are undergoing cosmetic surgery procedures to meet the sleek and sculpted standard of beauty Hollywood has imposed on us all.

Cosmetic surgery is a serious life decision. This decision ultimately rests in the patients hands. There are serious possible complications up to death as well as great improvements to a person`s life. Any person that decides on cosmetic surgery can gain a lot by thoroughly researching and investigating the different procedures and Doctor back ground for achieving the desired result with as little possibility of a complication.

The person is best to follow what they believe is best for them without falling under pressure to what society designates desirable. References Allison Adato, David Searles, Giovanna Breu, Lucia Greene, Michelle Green, Siobhan Morrissey, Stacey Wilson; 3/22/2004, Vol. 61 Issue 11, P89-93, 3p, Color Photographs Ceatus Media Group LLC. 03/05/10. Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery. http://www. plastic-surgery. net/benefits-plastic-surgery. html Christian Science Monitor; 8/30/2000, Vol. 92 Issue 196, p14, 0p.

What is cosmetic surgery? Cosmetic surgery is a process of one or more surgical procedures that are used to restore or enhance the appearance of different parts of the body. Cosmetic Surgery is a specialty field that is growing in …

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