Resultant nursing ethical concerns

As denoted from the above discussion, it is clear that the role of nurses has been very essential in maintaining the quality of life in the society. However, major implications and abuse of their kindness has been deliberate from the doctors. Organizations success is built on the staff satisfaction which then defines the resultant output to the consumers. This abuse is therefore professionally wrong as it lays the major platform of collapsing the medical support industry.

As a protective strategy in the medical profession, doctors have given the nurses low regard therefore making them to have low self esteem towards their profession and assume subordinate perspectives (Fritz, 2008, p. 82). This has not only scared away potential nurses, but threatened the whole profession at large. Though fast shifting from the perspective of nurses being the roles for women, this perspective was strongly negating for the men nurses as well as making women to be looked down upon (James et al, 2008. p. 227).

Implications to the nursing profession. Lack of proper boundaries in the nursing industry has formed a platform for abuse and misuse of the nurses in medical profession. All the allocation of the major doctors’ duties entails lateness and possible poor performance in the nurses’ jobs. Therefore, the profession is strongly tainted and risk higher disregard from extended professions fraternity. Besides, lack of major boundaries entails high invasion of professions in other areas as they take their roles due to the fast changing dynamics.

This easy invasion also acts as an easy target by unqualified medical practitioners further tainting the profession due to lack of quality immediate rules of operation. To add to that, definitions and major aspects remains vague and dependent on other professionals like doctors and thus highly susceptible from the grass roots. Due to this aspect, weighing the performance becomes hard and malpractices easily escalate and reprimanding the culprits easily overlooked (Gail, & Robin, 2008, pp. 102-103).

To add to that, it is hard to negotiate as a team for economic and professional purposes. Other professions hold major annual or varying conventions to deliberate the immediate issues affecting their professions. For instance, the architectures, Doctors of varying specialization and accountants globally. Therefore, lack of proper boundaries ensures that nurses with their vital roles continue to be poorly remunerated. This also encourages loss of potential nurses to other better paying professions in their young decision making ages.

Intrinsically, it kills the morale for the nurses in offering the vital services to the needy communities. This has resulted from the main commanding and coercive effects from some doctors. With lack of proper institution for defining the boundaries, the nurses are consumed in their calm built nature of service towards humanity (Colyer, 2004, pp. 408-104). Addressing the impacts. To ensure high standards are maintained in the medical fraternity, special definitions and delineation must be developed for a common approach towards varying issues in the profession.

Using strong legislative framework and policy guidelines, nursing should be guarded like other professions and define the required relationship with the doctors in their areas of work (Bridgit, 2008, p. 569). Also, direct cooperation should be enhanced at all times to ensure efficiency in service delivery to the public. Strong ethical considerations should be applied by the doctors as they perform their duties to reduce the immediate spill over effects to the nurses as well as the immediate patients and the society. Conclusions.

The demand for professional boundaries in the nursing profession has been long overdue and thus threatening the overall sanctity of the profession. Lack of proper boundaries therefore has acted to raise vagueness of the derivative services while posing the profession to interference from other professionals. Doctors have taken this advantage to promote laziness in their jobs as they leave it for the nurses to attend and prescribe to the patients. In major applications, the nurses roles have been disregarded where as they are the most important one faster recovery of patients.

Therefore they are never consulted as the doctors disregard them and their immediate roles. As a result, lack of direct professional boundaries served to increase their immediate vulnerability to unethical maltreatment by immediate doctors. It also acts as a rich fishing ground for other professions as specifications and requirements are not clearly established. Finally, it is clear that to safely guard the profession, adequately develop it and strongly anchors it to compete with others in internationally; professional boundaries must be fast established.

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Over the last few decades, the demand for professional boundaries has drastically increased in many professions. This has been contributed by increasing demands for better services and specialization in various professions that serves not only to reduce underlying conflicts but …

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