Responsibility and belongingness

Do high school sponsorships and fundraising have a negative impact on the health of their students? Introduction: For any organization, be it a large organization or a small organization the concept of fundraising and generating sponsorships has been a huge area to be explored which is an advantage for conducting superior marketing by having bigger and better-quality sponsors.

Today this has been a big game for the organizations be it profit making organizations or non-profit making organizations. Especially in the education sector where-in readily available resources like the students are available, it is seen that exploitation of the students are in masses which hampers the overall health as well as diverts them from the perspectives of getting distracted from their routine.

This has been contradicted by some of the researchers who state that this probably may not hamper their health or education as it is a part of their learning program and in turn it could bring in confidence and ascertain a sense of responsibility and belongingness for the students towards their school. However all this requires a balance between the requirements of the school and in engaging the students for such activities which if handled properly without misusing their resources then probably the whole area and the concern can be mutually benefited and balanced there-in.

Thus the whole concern for the parents and the students is whether it is ethical and justifiable to engage them in fundraising, or collecting sponsorships for the various programs of their college which in certain cases could be beneficial for the students and in certain instances could deteriorate their services there by loosing on the gist and the purpose of education which is based on empowering the masses with knowledge based education by keeping up to their safety and security under any circumstances.

Huge amount of research has gone into this area as the only source of resources which are available at hand are existing and obtainable at schools and colleges and universities and this requires a check on to what extent can we build up and expose this idea of involving students for the mentioned concerning area. Usually schools never ever thought of the fact that how much of the students class time should be devoted for collecting money by way of sales.

Similarly whether kids could be used for raising funds was another issue not been addressed which determine the negligence of the schools not to consider these important aspects while getting involved in fundraising. According to Minnesota Department of Education, fundraising activities should never be merged and combined with educational activities. Moreover parents and the guardians are complaining the legitimacy of the schools to engage kids and using regular class time to raise money (Zdechlik, M. 2004).

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High schools in a big way do go for fundraising, incentives and sponsorship activities which they make use of students to be involved in such programs which is questionable towards their health issues that has been a concern coming into …

These are some of the methods institutions and schools make use of their students so that they meet their goals and objective. In the process the basic necessity of the role of institutions gets disrupted and this also puts student’s …

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