Resistance training

My ruler drop test suggests an improved reaction time but this test is visual and I have been training with an audio cue, so this test would be seen as invalid because it does not use the same technique that I would use to measure reaction time in the 100 metres. The vertical power jump suggests an improvement in power from the quadriceps muscles; there has been a 2 cm improvement, which isn’t brilliant but is still an improvement. This is telling me that I should’ve done more plyometric type work as this includes jumping and would have improved power from my quadriceps muscles.

30 metre sprint shows improvement; although there is no improvements in national average I am 0.2th of a second out of the next band for the national average, even though I am pleased that I have made some improvement. This is the test where I made the least improvement maybe perhaps because I didn’t do any exercises to concentrate on flexibility in the lower back and hamstrings, especially in the lower back. My flexibility although has improved so this shows that my pep must have some effect on my flexibility. But I may have or not improved in other areas of my body. Sprinters need flexibility in their hamstrings though and this is probably where I needed to make the least improvement in my pep.

Standing board jump: I was very pleased with my improvements, as I increased the amount I could jump by 20 cm, which shows that I have increased explosive power in my quadriceps muscles. However it could be questioned how I improved far better in this test then I did in the vertical power jumps as they were both testing the same component. All the tests that I did for my pep were all relevant in testing the component needed for the 100 metres. All the tests that I did only were valid as they only tested one component of fitness keeping all extranous variables to a minimum, also all the tests that I did are easily replicated and recognised by others.

The tests I did were also reliable because I did the tests at the same time both times i did them and I made sure that I wore the same trainers and clothes as when I did the first time. I tested myself so as not to have a advantage from wearing lighter trainers etc. When I was retesting I was being supervised and watched when I was retesting to make sure I was given the correct rresults. In terms of my general fitness I have seen a good progress; I a feel fitter and can now do more exercise and stay at a higher intensity then I could prior to my pep.

I feel that especailly in my start from the blocks that I have improved my technique and am now faster at the start and finish of my race. Before, the last 20 metres of my race was at a low standard as I would always fatigue and lose my drive so I would always have a slow finish and would have to depend on a quick start. But because of a bad technique, I wasn’t always able to get that. Because I only went back to trainng 1 month ago I’ve had to acquire all the skills that I used to have and feel like that I am making progress and that my performance is benefitting from the exercise outside of training.

My method of training was mainly a resistance training circuit with some speed and plyometric stations which seemed to work well together and make an effective way of exercising; also putting them in a circuit was simple to perform. If I were to carry on with this programme I would put more speed work in e.g. quick bursts of speed, and more plyometric work stations to push the amount of power that I can exert, and I would use weight on my legs – the leg extension machine in particular. Also I would make sure that I had a mixture so that I would do circuit training on one day and then do wieght training on another, making sure that there was a break in between days.

Appraisal of programme

From planning this programme I have learnt that not all exercise routines work for everyone and that everyone as an individual will change and progress in different ways to exercise, and progression may take longer with some individuals. From evaluating this pep I realised that I have made less progress then I originally thought and hoped for. When looking at my results I was shocked that the power and speed ones were not better because I thought that I was making progress the most in those two skills specifically.

Throughout my pep I have been applying the FITT principle to my workouts by looking at how frequently I’ve been doing my pep and how many of the circuits I perform, and by increasing the frequency that I perform a full circuit, the more I will be working at a higher intensity; therefore progressive overload is included. Also the type of exercise I do is important as if I was working cardiovascular I wouldn’t be improving speed or power, but if I use resistance training and plyometrics training, then I am more likely to build more powerful muscles that are made of mostly fast twitch muscles which fatigue faster. Time is also important so I keep my programme in balance and I keep all my rests the same and how long I am on each station for, so I am working all muscles equally.

Progressive overload was obvious in the first couple of workouts as I was not used to the stress and my muscles started to fatigue quickly, and also when I was beating the amount of repetitions I was increasing the intensity each time, working my muscles that little bit harder which increased the likelihood of overloading. If I were to repeat this programme I would make it have a lot more exercises based on short bursts of speed and power and having more skill related workout stations, which relate more to the 100 metres, which would have more effect on speed and power and less effect on muscular endurance. I do not need a lot of this because the 100 metres sprint is all about power and speed, and being able to run at maximal speed without tiring. I should have done some weight work for my legs to increase power by working at 80% of my 1 rep max and done low repetitions.

The training I did was suitable for my age as because I may not be fully grown yet, I did not use heavy weights; instead I kept the weight low and did a high amount of repetitions, which did not damage any ligaments etc. For my gender, I think that this workout would be suitable for either a male or a female although males may need to have heavier weights. My pep would not be suitable for the general public unless their aims were the same as mine as I don’t believe that this type of work would benefit people trying to lose weight or increase cardiovascular fitness.

This workout would be suitable for someone competing in the 100 metres or the hurdles or even the 200 metres, if they were to increase the amount they run. This pep could be transferred across some other sports if they wanted to increase speed and power. This workout may be appropriate for a weight lifter as the point is to lift from the legs and power is needed, even though they would have to change the speed work with weight work in the gym as this workout was designed for the 100 metres and specifically for me and my needs.

A training programme can be used to improve general fitness and skill in a sport. The training programme can be adapted to suit the user. Using the programme over a period of time will increase the fitness of the user. …

1: To improve endurance throughout tennis match, by the 1st of October and test this by 1st of October. I am going to test this by doing the multistage fitness test, which I did before and achieved level 8. 7. …

The activities have to be varied around the circuit according to the muscles groups you are using at each station e. g. press-ups shouldn’t be followed by tricep dips, or abdominal exercises like sit ups shouldn’t be followed by crunches. …

When I was putting my pep together I had to consider all aspects of the principles of training Specificity – is based around the idea that all exercises should be relevant and appropriate to the sport for which they are training. …

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