Research and Patient Care

EMR is not only providing with the electronic documentation but it is also providing the physicians with a way to research more and learn more. If the EMR is implemented and the staff is taught how to use it and how to take its benefits then EMR is a very helping hand in taking care of the patients as well as in training the physicians about the new technologies, treatments and medicines in their field.

Obviously EMR is a computerized system and it would not work itself therefore it is necessary for the staff people to learn using EMR and also to learn that how they can bring updates to the system. Making updates in the system is very much necessary because if the system is outdated and no new changes are being made then some times the system will be just of no use. The patient care is improved as the history of the patient is available to the physicians and they can now treat the patients according to their past treatments, medications and sensitivity.

EMR is also a tool that can be used to form the layout of your workflow and hence it can also be used in improving the workflow. EMR can also be a tool for increasing the profits and revenue as well and it can also help in improving the efficiency of the system and decreasing the time taken to perform any process. (Gabriel, 1) Where can EMRs are Used: The applications of EMR are very much and there are many factors that attract the organizations to implement EMRs. Following are some of the areas where EMR can be used.

Hospitals: There are many reasons for which the medical organizations and hospitals should implement the system of EMR. All of these reasons are discussed above. EMRs in hospitals can improve the efficiency of the different processes, it can also improve the health care of the patients, it can improve the performance of the physicians as well as staff, it can also train and educate the physicians as well as patients and there are many more other reasons that attract the hospitals to implement this system. Exam Rooms:

It is a thought of many physicians that EMR is required in the examination room of the patient where the physician is asking about the condition and different aspects of patient’s health. If EMR is present in examination room then the patient is also satisfied and impressed that his information is being fed into the system for the future use and treatment. This is a very much satisfying process for the patient and if the physician allows him to involve in to the process then it will also educate the patient about his history and condition.

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