Environmental Cleanliness

UNIT 62:

1.1 The Legislation, guidelines, organisational policies and protocols which inform my own role, responsibilities and accountability when monitoring and management the environment and resources are:

  • Infection control policy – Ensure hands are washed using the hand washing technique, using personal protective equipment when needed. Waste is disposed of in to the correct bins.
  • Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) – ensure the correct substance is being used to clean the right equipment/device or body fluid spillage.
  • Risk assessment management – Ensure that the clinic area is clean and safe to use. Also ensuring that the bed is at the correct height for each patient. Ensure that the correct equipment is being used for the right job.
  • Health and safety – Ensure all fire exits are kept clear. Ensure all patient walk ways are clear.
  • Privacy and dignity – Ensure that the clinic room is closed and private. All patient information is kept confidential. To allow a patient time to be upset and to discuss their feelings in a quite space that is away from the main waiting area.

1.2 Procedures relating to monitoring the environment during specific clinical/therapeutic activities:

  • Ensure the area is clean and safe.
  • Ensure the room is warm and comfortable.
  • Ensure the consultation area is private and doors are closed.

1.3 The resources needed during specific clinical/therapeutic activities in own work practice:

  • Clinic trolley fully stocked with dressings.
  • Patients notes.
  • PPE.

1.4 The procedures for reporting and dealing with problems with the environment and resources:

  • Report problems with the environment to my line manager and HSE.
  • Report any maintenance problems to the site services department to be repaired.

1.5 The risk associated with procedures carried out in own work practice and how there are controlled: Within my role there is a risk of infection from contact with bodily fluids. This is controlled by the use of good hand hygiene and using gloves, aprons and other personal protective equipment where needed.

2.1 It is important to confirm equipment is safe to use because

  • It may not work when needed.
  • It may not give the correct results, give an inadequate sample.
  • It may put the patient in danger.

2.2 Standard precautions for infection control when handling equipment:

  • Wash hands
  • Ensure the correct PPE is being worn.

2.3 Health and safety measure when handling equipment:

  • Check that the equipment is in date and safe to use.
  • Correct equipment for the job intended.

3.1 Monitor and maintain environmental conditions at the levels required by the activity:

  • Ensure the clinic rooms are not too warm/cold.
  • Ensure the patient is comfortable for the patient.

3.2 Monitor, replenish and replace resources as required for the activity:

  • Replenish dressings and equipment as and when it is used.
  • As well as restock the trolley on a weekly basis.

3.3 The importance of checking resources are of the correct quality and quantity for the activity:

  • To ensure the recourses are fit for purpose, are in date and are readily available when needed.

3.4 Return unused and/or surplus resources to the storage location:

  • All sharps if not being used are locked in storage.
  • Anaesthetic stored in the fridge.
  • All dressings on the trolley.
  • Any extra stock will be rotated within the department to ensure it is used before it’s used by date.
  • All stock out of date will be disposed of.

3.5 Store resources in line with local policy or protocol at the end of the activity:

  • All specimens that are taken are placed in an orange pot or on glass slides and are sent to laboratory for analysis.

3.6 Maintain monitoring records in line with national/local policies and protocols:

  • Within my job role I record everything on the clinic lists – the doctor will record everything discussed in the consultation in the patient’s notes. A letter will also be dictated at the end of the consultation and sent to the patients GP

4.1 Identify the levels of cleanliness required in own work area:

  • Ensure the clinic area is clean prior to and after clinic and each procedure i.e. punch biopsy.

4.2 Clean reusable resources and make safe prior to storage:

  • Cleaning of beds with sanicloths.
  • Cleaning of ultrasound probes using the appropriate solution.
  • Weekly removing all dressing gowns from exanimation rooms to be sent away for washing.


  • Macmillan, Duncan, and Patricia Shaw. “Senile breakdown in standards of personal and environmental cleanliness.” British Medical Journal 2.5521 (1966): 1032.
  • Dancer, Stephanie J., Liza White, and Chris Robertson. “Monitoring environmental cleanliness on two surgical wards.” International journal of environmental health research 18.5 (2008): 357-364.

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