Purpose /Aim of the personal exercise plan

A warm down is a period of light exercise at the end of a training session to insure a successful recovery will take place. A warm down is important because it allows the body to recover and it prevents your muscles from aching that hard. It also shortens recovery time and. It also removes carbon dioxide and lactic acid from your muscles. The circuit will consist of eight stations working different parts of the body. Each station will be carried out for 50 seconds and then will be followed by a 40 second rest period which will decrease by 5 seconds each week , this reason being the player will be more fitter and would not rest as much. Also by doing this it will be more

challenging. The player will carry out this circuit once a week for six weeks. The circuit will mainly concentrate on the arm and leg muscles because they are mainly needed for a defender in football. They also need good pectorals because of their power they need to be stronger than the striker. So if they are coming to you running fast and you try to take the ball of them and they are more stronger, then the impact will go on you then you would fall down and they would score. The circuit will begin with a warm up [as in any other sport]. There will be 3 stages to my warm up this reason being when your working on a circuit a lot muscles are being used to prevent injury I will have to do warm up thoroughly.

1. The First stage is to get my heart beat going. This is called a pulse raiser. The pulse raiser I have chosen is to jog for 7 minutes. This will increase my body temperature and get the heart supplying oxygen quickly to all the body parts being used [e.g. muscles]. 2. The Second stage is stretching your muscles after have been warmed up by the pulse raiser. I will hold each stretch for no longer or shorter than 8 seconds. I will do various different stretches. Progression: I will progress the body to build something up. I will train, recover and then train more.

Overload: I will make muscles work harder. The training must be raided to a higher level then normal. To do this I will look at Reversibility: is not achieved in circuit training if the above are adhered to Tedium: is overcome in circuit training by ensuring the sequence of exercises are organised to avoid, as far as possible, two consecutive stations stress in the same muscle groups. Due to the variety of exercises providing a balance loading on different body parts.

Thing to review during training are: Get used to the circuit: make sure the student is making some sort of progress each week, make sure they are meeting targets set by coach. Do as many of the exercises possible: make sure student is taking part so they can reach the full potential of they’re capabilities and do well in training Try best in the circuit: so they’re not doing things half heartedly so they are gaind something from training Increase last week results: seeing figures that show their performance making sure your program works

Planning, performing, monitoring and appraisal :- The activities were placed in a certain order within the programme so lactic acid can be removed from muscles not being worked and also so the circuit does not become unexciting because he same muscles are being worked on. The order I had chosen to start of working the legs, then arms and then the abdominals. In this circuit I used the application of the principles of training by this I mean I progressed through out the training sessions, I overloaded the training by this I mean I made the circuit harder which was done by decreasing the rest time so my muscles work harder. The exercises were also specific to a players needs, the circuit was laid out in a specific order to stop tediousness and also the training was carried out every week to stop reversibility. If I were to carry on with this program I would look at changing the circuit to stop it become boring, because once its boring people will chose not to carry out the training.

The sport that this plan is going to correspond with is cricket. I feel that I need to improve the speed of my bowling because I feel that if I become a faster bowler I can become a more influential …

Hold this stretch for 8 – 20 seconds Important rules for stretching: 1) Never stretch cold muscles. The best time to stretch is after your walk. If you have problem areas they can be stretched prior to your walk, but …

The principles of a training circuit are to improve local muscular endurance and also to improve cardiovascular fitness and circulo-respiratory fitness (i. e. the heart, blood, blood vessels and the lungs). Circuit training involves a number of exercises, set out …

I always liked sports, sports for me is something that enjoyed playing. For this course work, I have chosen to complete a circuit-training programme. This is because I need to improve my chosen sport, which is Netball, I have chosen …

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