Promoting health and well-being

Health and well-being can be a result of a combination of PIES; Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social factors. This is a holistic definition of health and well-being. The book ‘Health & Social Care for GCSE, by Mark Walsh, published by Collins’ states that ‘there are many different views about what health means. Chinease or Indian cultures, for example, adopt very different approaches to health and the causes of ill-health from medical approach typically used in Western societies such as the United Kingdom.’

This shows that different cultures percieve health in different ways. Using the information that this book provides ‘a negative view of health is based on not being or feeling unwell’ and a ‘positive view of healthinvolves identifying the qualities and abilities that a person ought to have in order to be healthy.’ And finally a ‘holistic approach to health is when we should take other aspects of life into account when we’re looking at our health, we should think about the whole person, their physical health, itellectual wellbeing, social wellbeing and a persons emotional wellbeing.’

Peoples ideas about health and well-being change over periods of time and can vary between different cultures and societies. Peoples ideas of health an also change due to age, gender and ethnicity, I have used the information from the book ‘Health & Social Care for GCSE, by Mark Walsh, published by Collins’ to categorise the below into, positive, negative and holistic definitions of health. Age six – male: “Being healthy is being good at football.” This is a positive definition of health. Age eleven – female: “Being healthy is being skinny.” This is a negative definition of health.

Age twelve – female: “Being happy is being healthy.” This is a holistic definition of health. Age thirteen – female: “Being healthy is keeping everything healthy, not just you but other people, animals and the world around you.” This is a holistic definition of health. Age sixteen – female: “Being healthy improves your self-esteem and confidence in yourself.” This is a holistic definition of health. Age eighteen – female: “Being healthy increases your security around your peers.” This is a holistic definition of health. Age eighteen – female: “Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” This is a holistic definition of health.

Age forty-seven – male: “Being physically fit is being physically healthy; the fact that you are physically it also helps your state of mind.” This is a positive definition of health. Age forty-nine – female: “Health is a person’s state of mind, state of body, state of fitness and state of hygiene.” This is a positive definition of health. Age sixty-five – female: “To be healthy you must eat the correct balanced diet, pray to the Lord and have a lot of sleep.” This is a positive definition of health. Well-being is a feeling of total contentment in all areas of life. This means that we are getting all our needs met. Mark Walsh says in his book

‘Health & Social Care for GCSE, published by Collins’ that ‘wellbeing is used in Western societiesto refer to the way people feel about themselves. If people feel positive about themselves and are happy with life, they will have a high level of wellbeing. As individuals, we are the best judges of our personal sense of wellbeing.’ This is why Abraham Harold Maslow who was an American psychologist born April 1, 1908 and died June 8, 1970 created a hierarchy to explain these needs and how they fit together. (

Here is a flow diagram to show ‘Maslow’s’ Pyramid: Self actualisation – “to be the best”; this is to achieve the highest in all you do, and to always work hard to reach your goals in an honest manner. Ego needs – a person needs to feel goof about themselves, they should feel respected and important within society. Social needs – the need that a person has for society and the company of others. A person needs to feel loved and a sense of belonging. A person also needs physical contact with others. Safety needs the feeling that tomorrow will always be okay.

A person needs to have the feeling of security, this could come from having a stable family to care and support you, knowing that you have sufficient income, and to live in a safe area where there is little crime. Physiological needs – the basic needs in which a person needs to stay alive. These can be; food, water, medicines and vaccinations, exercise and a healthy, balanced diet. Georgi Hall Unit 2: Promoting Health and Well-being course work.

This coursework will be based on unit 2, which is promoting health and well-being. I will look at understanding health and well being by including positive, negative and holistic definitions of health. Further, I will consider different aspects and cultures, …

Dictionary definitions: ‘Health is having or indicating good health in both body and mind; being free from infirmity or disease.’ ‘Well-being is a contented state of being happy, healthy and prosperous.’ When looking in the dictionary, the definition of both health and well-being …

In this section I am going to discuss health and well being, what health means and what health means to other. (We need pictures to explain how and why people have different views). I am also going to explain what …

Health and well-being is your idea of health and well-being. The ideas you have about health are those that other people in your society and culture use and have probably taught you. It’s not only about being physically healthy but …

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