Progressive Relaxation

There are many effective methods which can be incorporated in the stress management wellness center. The book entitled, “Principles and practice of stress management”, written by Paul M. Lehrer, Robert L. Woolfolk, and Wesley E. Simeprovides the basis in choosing the treatments that will be offered by the center. Mediation One of the most effective methods in reducing stress is meditation. The meditation program for the stress management wellness center will focus on mindfulness meditation. It involves nonjudgmental awareness of one’s present experiences.

The goal is to increase awareness and accept living on the present moment. It also focuses on the actual experience such as the flow of breath It involves observation of thoughts and emotions but letting such pass without judgment (Lehrer, et al. , 2007, p. 395). The treatment will be incorporated as a group therapy where seven to ten people form a class. Meditation will be done under a therapist as a facilitator, who will provide professional assistance to the clients. Each session will be for two hours and will be done once every week for 10 consecutive weeks to complete the treatment program.

The basis for the incorporation to this treatment is the study done on the effectiveness of a meditation-based stress reduction program in the treatment of anxiety disorders. The main objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of a group stress reduction program using mindfulness meditation for patients with anxiety disorders (Kabat-Zinn, et al, 1992). 22 participants were screened and met the criteria for generalized anxiety disorder or panic disorder with or without agoraphobia. The researcher used assessments including self-ratings and therapist’s ratings in order to measure anxiety levels before and after the treatment (p.2).

The stress reduction and relaxation program is a structured training program using mindfulness meditations. The program ran for eight weeks where participants would attend 2-hour sessions per week (p. 3). The results of the study showed that a group mindfulness training program is effective in reducing the symptoms of anxiety and panic disorder. Progressive relaxation originated with Edmund Jacobson in 1905. He studies the startle reaction from unexpected loud noises. In his experiment, he concluded that there was no obvious startle to unexpected loud noise in relaxed participants (Lehrer, et al, 2007, p. 57).

The stress management wellness center will incorporate progressive relaxation as one of the treatments in managing stress. This method is based on the concepts of tension as an effect of stressors and how relaxation can treat it. Tension is defined as the contraction of the skeletal muscle fibers that generates the feeling of tension. In the presence of relaxation, those muscle fibers are elongated thus relieving feelings of tension (p. 59). Thus, this treatment is recommended for professionals experiencing exhaustion.

Clients suffering can exhaustion will be treated individually. The treatment process involves the client lying down, sitting quietly, or reading while trying to relax and being assisted by the therapist. It will consist of two 1-hour sessions per week for 5 weeks. In the book of Lehrer, et al, a case study is mentioned on the application of progressive relaxation therapy on a middle-level manager at the age of 32 years who complained of experiencing permanent exhaustion, anxiety, and acrophobia. He was uneasy, irritable, and often dizzy.

He was not able to speak in front of his colleagues or even drive a car because he fears of fainting or other discomfort. He stated that reasoning to his fears only made it worse. He was then places under progressive relaxation therapy. With great persistence, he was able to overcome his fears. Results of action-potential measurements show that he exhibited an increase in his skills when it comes to maintaining relaxed state when lying, sitting, or reading. After two years, he was able to handle public speaking again and the symptoms of his condition have decreased (pp. 78-79).

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