Preferred programs

The gym is a place for people who want to workout based on their preferred programs. The gym is equipped with several machines for the purpose of these programs. There is no one member or walk-in client who can lay claim on equipment for more than what is needed in the program. The chairs and others of similar structure are not for sitting and reading newspapers. They are meant to be used as the machine that they are meant to be for particular muscle development or body function enhancement.

Thus, if one has no intention at all to do a sincere workout then it would be best for him to leave the place in peace and let the others complete their programs on time. This is an unwritten policy in any gym and each one of the gym enthusiasts know better [ ]. There are several written and unwritten rules in any gym [ ]. Written policies would include basic requirements for gym enthusiasts to observe and comply, such as: 1) Each member is required to pay annual and monthly dues on time. Gym rates vary but mostly all members pay the same amount of membership fee.

As for walk-in guests and visitors, they are charged higher rates on a per use basis. 2) Proper workout outfit is required such as the wearing of gym shorts or jogging pants and t-shirts during workouts. This is to ensure safety in the performance of their programs as well as to ensure some uniformity in the environments to add to a conducive atmosphere to work out. 3) Upon arrival at the gym, members or guests are required to log-in and as they leave they log-out. There is usually an Office Assistant who assists and welcomes the members and the walk-in visitors.

The gym instructor is also present in the gym but he keeps moving around from one station to another to check on the use of the different equipment in the gym. 4) Warm-up is required before starting one’s program; and, lastly 5) Cooling-down is required after completing the program. There are more unwritten rules than there are written rules in any gym. “While it’s perfectly acceptable to sweat, grunt and make mean faces while working out, there are a few behaviors that aren’t acceptable,” says Mr. Paige. [Paige, Waehner. Gym Etiquette: Your guide to Exercise. 2006].

For the first-timers in the gym, these unwritten rules are learned through observation. There is no orientation given during one’s first visit to the gym, unless one engages the gym instructor to a warm conversation to know something about gym use. Reading relevant literature and magazines, though, would give one notice in advance on what to expect in a gym environment. These unwritten rules are sacred to the regular gym enthusiasts who expect to complete their programs at their own pace and in peace. Time is precious for these regular gym enthusiasts which is the reason why these unwritten rules have been impliedly agreed among them.

Gym etiquette is dictated by these written and unwritten rules which are expressly and impliedly agreed among gym enthusiasts. Gym etiquette dictates that respect for the other person is of utmost concern [ ]. Even common sense dictates that unless …

Observations were substantiated with interviews with at least five (5) of the gym enthusiasts. Three of these were veteran gym users while two were just starting up. The interview method revealed what could not be observed with the naked eye …

Literacy and education programs in Black churches take many forms, from basic reading and writing to general equivalency diploma (GED) study to literacy through Bible study programs to after-school study groups for children and teens. Irene Owens discusses the importance …

As observed, some gym users with bigger physical built get their way and get the priority schedules. This starts with the registration of names where most of them do not write their names anymore; somebody else has to do it …

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