Play, curriculum and early learning

The chosen age range is 3- 4 year olds, this is linked with the early learning gaols. ‘In play, a child always behaves beyond his average age, above his daily behaviour, in play it is as though he were a head taller then his normal self. ‘ (Lev Vygotsky, 1978) The three different types of play that help to develop a variety of skills are creative play this involves and the way it promotes children’ learning is by giving children the opportunity to as Tassoni states ‘to experiment and explore the world around them.

‘ (Pg. 374, 2002) Creative play promotes children learning in many different ways such as 3-4 year olds are now in the co-operative stage of play they are able to talk to one another and play in a group. Children’s social and emotional development is promoted as it helps children to learn to share and take turns with equipment, in groups and understanding rules of working in groups. Emotional C Hobart says, “It provides enjoyment, a sense of achievement, and self esteem. ” (Pg. 44, 1999)

A creative play opportunity for children aged between 3-4 years old I think as an early years practitioner using the early learning gaols to create a piece of a uniform for a job role this could be so simple such as a helmet, the early learning goal is to ‘use their imagination in art and design, music, dance, imaginative and role play and stories. ‘ Making sure the area is safe and having enough resource for all children to participate. The intended learning outcomes for children when doing creative play are ones such as they are able to learn though their senses and movement.

By children creating a piece of uniform will also create awareness of the world which promotes knowledge and understanding of the world. ‘In imaginative play, children pretend they are other people or that are in situations. ‘ (Pg. 392, 2002) Imaginative play can take on loads of different charters and as children grow older gets extended to other people and books, for example princesses and doctors. By having a dressing up corner the setting can promote diversity and equal opportunities.

Imaginative play provides children with a great deal of comfort and reassurance specially when starting school as children are able to relate the home corner with their home. Imaginative play helps to develop the whole child I think as their physical development is being used when acting and moving around, children are able to show their emotions while playing C Hobart says emotionally when children “imaginative play this allows them to express and release positive and negative emotions.

It gives confidence and allows self- esteem to develop. ” (Pg. 33, 1999) Children are able to have their own identity while dressing up. Also mathematical development is promoted as children could be making tea or dinner for their guest and count how many plates and cups are needed this is done without recognition from the children.

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