Plastic Surgery

Speech Exploration of Sides of a Topic: Plastic surgery risks Thesis statement: People that desire plastic surgery should research the doctor and risks of their procedure before submitting to surgery. Whether or not you think it is right to go under the knife, you must admit it is pretty fascinating what doctors can do in the present day. Content Introduction & Conclusion Points (**check different order for conclusion): I.

Need Interest = (Different Audiences (for, against, undecided); For: Those of you that are for it should know that it can be helpful for those that feel the need to change some appearance on their body, but not doing research can result in unsatisfied patients’ outcomes, possibly paying far too much, and having problems with it in the future Against: If you are against it, think about it in a way that some people do it for self fulfillment.

They do it for themselves to feel better about their looks, a lot of people don’t agree with that though., Some say those people are fake, but what if you broke your nose in a sport and it changed the entire appearance but had an option to fix it? I feel like most of you would say yes to fixing it. Undecided: Some say their lives are saved or changed because of surgery. They say they get treated differently by close friends or family and even complete strangers. It can be a great idea for someone that is self conscious with their looks, but could end badly if you do not research. There are doctors that are better than others, and some that charge an arm and a leg for any procedure.

If you are going to get something as permanent and serious as plastic surgery, make sure you do your homework so you don’t end up looking worse than when you started. There are lots of success stories, but also many horror stories. II. Specific Appeals (Best Action Step, Next Best Action, or at Least Do This Last Action Step ; We all want to be comfortable with ourselves, while some can live with their looks, others cannot and want change. Altering an appearance can be life changing in a really good, or really bad way.

Surgery can easily vanish about ten years off someone’s face if done right, but if done incorrectly it could make someone’s face look like a Barbie doll and completely fake. Also lip enhancements sometimes are done too big and people look ridiculous. III. Personal Benefits (Personal Motivators to get this audience to select an action step from II Appeals); If there is something you dislike about your looks or you scramble your face in an accident you can easily get it fixed. There is pretty much no limit to what you can make yourself look like. Some surgeries aren’t as noticeable but some are drastic. IV.

Personal Credibility (Personal Experience; Personal Observation of Others; and, Research Done) I have a cousin that got a nose job which is called Rhinoplasty and she is so happy with how she looks. She had broken her nose many times in soccer and other sports so when she was old enough her parents let her straighten out her crooked nose into the beautiful straight one she remembered from before her athletic days. She also models so she is more comfortable doing her work knowing she doesn’t have to worry about how her nose looks in pictures. Her self confidence has gone up and not even too many people noticed she had work done.

She researched a good doctor that had a good reputation and saw a lot of pictures of previous noses he had reconstructed. V. Preview or review of main points of the Body of the Speech (Based on the One Method Selected Below) Getting surgery is a permanent change so first and foremost you have to be 100% sure it is what you want. You need to also do a lot of research and ask around for a good surgeon that will give you your money’s worth and do a great job. Sometimes it turns our badly and can cause problems later on, so before you commit do research on risks of the procedure you will be getting.

-$10,677,415,674 that Americans spent on cosmetic procedures in 2010 (Winfrey, 2011) -91% of cosmetic surgical procedures done on women in 2010 (Winfrey, 2011) -20,680 chin augmentations in 2011 among men and women(American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2011) So many people get work done that it is becoming casual to do things that were unheard of before, for example getting your chin done and spending all of your hard earned money on making your appearance more desirable. It helps with aging or even the shape of the jaw line but if done wrong can become a nightmare and you will be worse off than when you started.

Those that didn’t do enough research could end up with their implant moving, infection, loss of feeling, damaged teeth, blood clots, pain that doesn’t go away, and the list goes on. (New York Times, 2012) Content/Evidence: (One Method Selected—Reasons; Negative Reasons; Problem=Solution; Comparative Advantage; or Criteria Method) Positive Stories: -People that need surgery for example obese patients get it and it becomes a life saver. Some people risk death because of a weight issue and surgery helps them start over with a healthy life. (Higuera, 2006)

Negative Stories: -20 percent of women that get breast implants have to get them removed within ten years because of rupture, hardening of the tissue around the implant, or other complications according to the FDA (Winfrey, 2011) -Many women and young girls are preoccupied with negative feelings about their body image, 2/3 of patients have been repeat patients because they become obsessed with the idea of becoming pretty at the prick of a needle or slit of a knife. (Higuera, 2006) —-Main Points of Body of Speech Based on the One Method Selected from Above:

Examples and stories: Some doctors just want the business but some actually are personal and get to know the patients. Women think they owe it to their kids and husband to look their best and that it doesn’t hurt despite what others say. There have been many women saying that it was “every penny worth it” because they have the money to do it and feel they might as well look the best they can. They wrote a story on 2 older women getting facelifts that were completely healed and at their Saturday brunch in just 2 weeks showing off their beautiful new faces. (Fane, 2011) Statistics:

– Americans had 13. 8 million cosmetic procedures, the majority of which were minimally invasive procedures, such as Botox injections. (Myhealthnewsdaily Staff, 2011) -318,123 breast implant surgeries performed in 2010 -2,414 of those surgeries performed on patients 65 and older (Winfrey, 2011) Testimony: “Every dollar worth” was said by many people getting it done. You can be a whole new you, the you that you have always dreamed about for a small fortune. Research is key, getting a doctor that makes personal relationships is better than one that just wants your business.

Definitions: *none needed* Sources for this information: Winfrey, O. (2011, November). Plastic surgery statistics . Retrieved from http://www. oprah. com/style/Plastic-Surgery-Statistics-Body-Image-Facts Fane, S. (2001, December 09). Denver business journal- two women’s plastic surgery success stories. Retrieved from http://www. bizjournals. com/denver/stories/2001/12/10/focus3. html? page=all American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (2011). 2011 plastic surgery procedural statistics. Retrieved from http://www. plasticsurgery. org/News-and-Resources/2011-Statistics-.

html Myhealthnewsdaily staff. (2011, November). 9 interesting plastic surgery facts. Retrieved from http://www. myhealthnewsdaily. com/2463-chin-plastic-surgery. html New York Times. (2012, November 02). Health guide- chin augmentation. Retrieved from http://health. nytimes. com/health/guides/surgery/chin-augmentation/overview. html Higuera, V. (2006, August 18). Plastic surgery addiction. Retrieved from http://voices. yahoo. com/plastic-surgery-addiction-body-image-problem-within-64753. html I need to find the following information: More information on specific risks for specific surgeries.

How often they actually “go wrong” How to tell if a doctor is credible Content of my power point slides: Slide 1: Title Slide Slide 2: Intro slide: For/Against/Undecided Slide 3: The Problems Slide 4: Pictures of good and bad surgery incidents Slide 5: The solution Slide 6: Conclusion Slide 7: Works Cited Visuals of my power point slides: -Pictures of good and bad examples of surgery -Possible video of someone effected by surgery good or bad Experiences which will involve the audience and help them learn: Personal experience with self, friends and family.

Speech Exploration of Sides of a Topic: Plastic surgery risks Thesis statement: People that desire plastic surgery should research the doctor and risks of their procedure before submitting to surgery. Whether or not you think it is right to go …

The media plays an important role that has a huge impact on our society about plastic surgery. According to Hoffmann (2004), the media conveys the messages to the public through advertisement, magazines, and television, which has increased the distorted standard …

The media plays an important role that has a huge impact on our society about plastic surgery. According to Hoffmann (2004), the media conveys the messages to the public through advertisement, magazines, and television, which has increased the distorted standard …

The media plays an important role that has a huge impact on our society about plastic surgery. According to Hoffmann (2004), the media conveys the messages to the public through advertisement, magazines, and television, which has increased the distorted standard …

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