Causes of plastic surgery

The media plays an important role that has a huge impact on our society about plastic surgery. According to Hoffmann (2004), the media conveys the messages to the public through advertisement, magazines, and television, which has increased the distorted standard of beauty that leads to plastic surgery. The media is driving the public’s impression of beauty by communicating its messages about the physical perfection. Besides, the media is also sending powerful messages through images, which oppress our realities, physical defect, fleshy and embodied (Johnson, n.d. ).

For example, according to Atkinson (2013), media has acknowledged with the thought of being pretty, they must have long legs, great hair and skinny body at all the ideal place. Furthermore, Raising Children Network (n. d. ) states that media conveys beauty and ‘thin’ body types messages through advertisement have an impact on women’s body image. Therefore, media have increased women’s desire for plastic surgery because they want to meet the social expectation of beauty.

For example, according to Telegraph reporters (2012), advertising has increased the rate of plastic surgery by nearly 20% since 2008. According to Crisis Connection (n. d.), there is 27% of young women felt that the media has pressured them to have an ideal body by Teen People Magazine. It also states that 69% of young women say that their conception of beauty has influenced by the magazine models.

For instance, UK GLAMOUR is the first women’s magazine that full of advertisements about plastic surgery in the United Kingdom. To attract women to seek for physical changes, UK GLAMOUR is creating a defenseless market of women that they are persuaded to believe plastic surgery offers a solution (Drews, 2011).

Furthermore, according to Adubato (2007), television program has influenced 79% of people to go under the knife. There are many television programs that promote plastic surgery such as “Extreme Makeover” on ABC, “The Swan” on Fox, The public is getting more and more addicted to the idea of plastic surgery because reality television has embraced the topic on plastic surgery (Bee, n. d. ). Besides, Dr. John Persing, the senior author and a plastic surgeon at the Yale University School of.

Medicine in New Haven, Conn, stated that the more people watched the television shows, the more interested they became in plastic surgery (Doheny, 2007). For example, Turner (2004) states that one of the television programs which is “I Want a Famous Face” reveals one pervasive source of images of the beautiful body. As a result, media has caused women in distorted standard of beauty and go under the knife if people are willing to take the risk for their self-fulfillment and happiness. Reference List: Adubato, S. , 2007. ‘Reality’ TV leaves out reality of plastic surgery.

[online] Available at: <http://w ww. nbcnews. com/id/20068105/ns/msnbc-msnbc_tv_commentary/t/reality-tv-leaves-out-reality- plastic-surgery/> [Accessed 6 June 2014]. Atkinson, K. , 2013. Breaking Down the Media’s Distorted Views on Beauty. [online] Available at: <http://www. huffingtonpost. com/katie-atkinson/media-beauty-distortion_b_3292467. html> [Accessed 7 June 2014]. Bee, M. , n. d. Plastic Surgery: An Ugly Trend. [online] Available at: <http://www. teenink. com/opinion/all/article/65000/Plastic-Surgery-An-Ugly-Trend/> [Accessed 8 June 2014].

Crisis Connection, n. d. Media Influence on Youth. [online] Available at: <http://www. crisisconnectioninc. org/teens/media_influence_on_youth. htm> [Accessed 7 June 2014]. Doheny, K. , 2007. Cosmetic Surgery TV Shows Get Viewers Pondering. [online] Available at: <htt p://consumer. healthday. com/mental-health-information-25/behavior-health-news-56/cosmetic- surgery-tv-shows-get-viewers-pondering-606746. html> [Accessed 8 June 2014]. Drews, K. , 2011. How do cosmetic surgery advertisements in the woman’s magazine GLAMOUR entice people to seek physical changes?

[pdf] Available at: <http://voxpublica. no/wp- 1 / 2 content/uploads/2012/06/DrewsKaja. pdf> [Accessed 7 June 2014]. Hoffmann, A. N. , 2004. The Beauty Ideal: Unveiling Harmful Effects of Media Exposure to Children. [pdf] Available at: <http://www. honors. umaine. edu/files/2009/07/hoffmann-2004. pdf> [Accessed 6 June 2014]. Johnson, K. , n. d. Plastic Surgery and the Media. [pdf] Available at: <http://bodyimagetroubles. weebly. com/plastic-surgery-and-the-media. html> [Accessed 7 June 2014]. Raising Children Network, n. d. Media influence on teenagers. [online] Available at:

<http://raisingchildren. net. au/articles/media_influences_teenagers. html/context/1106> [Accessed 7 June 2014]. Telegraph reporters, 2012. Discount plastic surgery causes impulse buying. [online] Available at: < http://www. telegraph. co. uk/health/healthnews/9557256/Discount-plastic-surgery-causes-impulse- buying. html> [Accessed 8 June 2014]. Turner, L. , 2004. Television on the Cutting Edge: Cosmetic Surgery Goes Prime-Time. [online] Available at: <http://virtualmentor. ama-assn. org/2004/10/msoc1-0410. html> [Accessed 7 June 2014]. POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG).

The media plays an important role that has a huge impact on our society about plastic surgery. According to Hoffmann (2004), the media conveys the messages to the public through advertisement, magazines, and television, which has increased the distorted standard …

The media plays an important role that has a huge impact on our society about plastic surgery. According to Hoffmann (2004), the media conveys the messages to the public through advertisement, magazines, and television, which has increased the distorted standard …

The media plays an important role that has a huge impact on our society about plastic surgery. According to Hoffmann (2004), the media conveys the messages to the public through advertisement, magazines, and television, which has increased the distorted standard …

Plastic surgery today is known as one of the most popular surgeries in our generation. Many people in our society, females in particular, want to look like their favorite celebrity or follow the “hip” trends to fit in. This wants …

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