Planning Evaluation

This means to do more than normally we do. My training programme is progressive, which causes overloading. So through overloading I am using the F. I. T principal which means frequency, intensity and timing. Frequency means how often we work, to improve frequency I did 2 sessions a week, before that I never did any session. Intensity means how hard we work, to improve intensity I worked harder in every session to Improve my score. Timing means for how long we work.

As we can see in the table at right side that my timing for my training programme is increasing after every two sessions and decreasing the rest timing after every two training sessions as well. So in this way my intensity of my training programme is also increasing because after every two sessions I have to work harder. (Less rest = more work) Reversibility: This means to lose adaptations if we stop doing our training. So if I stop during my training programme to do the training sessions e. g. during half term, I will lose fitness which I got from the training sessions.

So in this case I will lose my strength and speed and my muscles will lose tone and size which is known as ‘Atrophy’. After half term I would need to start again from the beginning to achieve the same goal which I achieved before half term. It will be very difficult to get to the same fitness level. Tedium: It means to get bored. If I carry the same training session without any changes, I may get bored from doing it. If I don’t have the same level of motivation I will not be able to stay on the same level of fitness because of boredom; I might be not able to work as hard.

First of all I find my carotid artery in my neck by using my first two fingers. When I found it, I start counting the beats for 30 seconds and then I multiply the number of beats by 2 to find out the number of beats per minute. How did I take the recovery rate? In the same way again I I find my carotid artery in my neck. When I found it, I start counting the beats for 30 seconds and then I multiply the number of beats by 2. I keep counting until my heart rate gets to normal and my heart rate matches to the heart rate which I took before the session. Graph for my 5 training sessions:

My graph shows that in the first session my score in all exercises are very higher than other 4 sessions. This is because in my first session I was very motivated and excited. So that’s why there is an anomaly for every exercise on my graph. So from the second session there is improvement in my score for most of the exercise. Planning Evaluation I wasn’t very fit according to the score of my pre-test. I think that I will not be able to manage the circuit. This is because I think that I will get very tired and will not be able to finish the circuit. I think that the order of my exercise is correct.

The order of my exercise will be stomach-legs-arms. I choose this order to prevent injury, cramp and over tiredness in my muscles. I applied the principals of overload by working very hard. So to manage the overloading I used the F. I. T principal to increase frequency, intensity and timing. I think that the exercises which I did were suitable for my chosen sport. This is because most of them will improve my skills which are very common and useful in ’rounders’. Performing Evaluation My training programme was progressive, which causes overloading.

So through overloading I used the F. I. T principal which means frequency, intensity and timing. Frequency means how often we work, to improve frequency I did 2 sessions a week, before that I never did any session. Intensity means how hard we work, to improve intensity I worked harder in every session to Improve my score. Timing means for how long I work. I increased timing after every two sessions and decreasing the rest timing after every two training sessions as well. So in this way my intensity of my training programme is also increasing because after every two sessions I have to work harder. (Less rest = more work)

All the exercises which I did in my circuit training were suitable to my chosen sport. For example press ups are very useful for my arm muscles. I need strong arm muscles so by doing this I build the skills to hit the ball harder. During fielding I will be able to throw the ball further. Squat thrusts were very useful for my arm and leg muscles because they made my muscles more powerful. By doing this my leg and arm muscles can able to work for longer without getting tired and can become used to it. So I will be able to play rounders for long time without getting tired.

Shuttles were very important for my sport because by doing this I improved my running speed. Shuttles are also very similar to my sport because in shuttles I had to run to the line and then return back towards the line where I started and in rounders I have to run base to base. So during playing rounders I will be able to run fast from base to base to get a score. I found all the exercise very easy and I managed them without any problem. However I found press ups very hard to do it so that’s why I did half press ups after a lot of hard work.

I think that the order of the exercise was alright which was stomach-legs-arms. This is because through this order my muscles were able to take equal rest one by one while others were working. However I think that it would be better if I do the shuttles in last because it makes the legs very tired and raises the heart rate very high. I didn’t enjoy my sessions so much because every session made me very tired for the whole day. Sometimes I also felt a lot of pain in my arms and legs. Monitoring Evaluation I think that the exercises which I did in my training sessions were specific to my support.

With those exercises I improved cardio-vascular endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance and muscular power. I think that the order of the exercise was alright but to make more better I would like to do the shuttles in last because it makes the legs very tired and raises the heart rate very high. I didn’t make any changes to my training program. This is because I wanted to keep every exercise same to do a fair investigation. In my first session my score in all exercises are very higher than other 4 sessions. This is because in my first session I was very motivated and excited.

So that’s why there is an anomaly for every exercise on my graph. However I achieved a good improvement which I was expected. I improved cardio-vascular endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance and muscular power by doing the circuit training. Final Evaluation I achieved a very good improvement which I was expected. I improved cardio-vascular endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance and muscular power by doing the circuit training. However I haven’t improved my speed and agility according to my fitness test.

Programme was easy to manage accept of doing press ups in my training session. My partner recorded all my scores during every session. I have improved cardio-vascular endurance by which I will be able to play rounders for longer without …

Over the page are two graphs showing how my results changed from the pre-tests to the post-tests, including all the different tests that I did and my resting heart rates. Plyometrics Using this will help me to improve my explosive strength, static …

Firstly before evaluating my exercise programme, I feel a definition of the word evaluation, would be appropriate, so: – “Evaluate- to determine or estimate the value of something”. My evaluation will be broke up into four sections: 1. Evaluation of …

I will apply frequency into my programme by doing my exercises on a regular basis; I will start with 2 sessions a week and then gradually increase the number of sessions over the 6-week period as my fitness improves. Intensity- …

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