Physician relationship

These models help our centralized system in different aspects such as autonomous position of the authorities and healthcare units, the issues related to privacy and most important of the entire patient – physician relationship. It is also interesting that the healthcare organization wants to take the full control of EMR. They always wanted to have the full throttle due to the reason that many healthcare organization thinks that their treatment to the patient is somehow artistic.

It means that many of the physician thinks that they have the by birth capability to treat any patient with extreme care and in no circumstance they allow someone to review their techniques and method for caring any specified patient. These physicians will resist in the implementation of the specific EMR because after that they have to record some more other details regarding their patients which they don’t record or lapse today.

Another important thing that after this model our possible resistance will also come from health care organizations like hospitals because they employee several person to document the process of any patient health care. They treat these documents treated to be highly confidential and classified for the hospitals and they will never allow that much easily that their classified record goes outside to any third party because this will put an enormous pressure on their management process.

Before choosing these models ethical aspects are also important. With the development of the technology, medical ethics are also in the continuous modification process. It basically focuses on patient and their physician relationship. The biggest issue which is currently in consideration is about the information regarding patient of serious disorder. That means how much a physician tell to its patient regarding patient illness. It is also in today’s thought that in current world physician usually tell their patient the truth.

Another issue that will be on face is the problem of second opinion because it is very common that first opinion doctor is normally appointed to take the second opinion regarding any illness of the patients. After these issues we also have some legal issue that we should maintain in our model as well in EMR. The major legal issue is regarding the patient bill of right. It concerns with the details regarding the rights of the patient in its medication, healthcare, diagnostic test, surgery and most important of all the payments to healthcare facilities and hospitals.

With reference to it patients have the right for appropriate care. The patient also have the complete autonomy on his body means there is no one authorize except him to utilize any part of patient body without the prior information of the patient. After the legal issue we also have to deal with some technological issues. These issues are technical modalities, medical application and the connection and communication in between healthcare organizations. These technological issues can be rectified at the time of deployment and they can be further modified to develop the complete centralized system.

Other issues related to the GUI of the system also have some sustainable points of objections in both models. Their data integrity ratio also have a question mark of it but their effective strategy to meet the requirement make these issues very nominal but now this is the age of technological standards. Several standards have been developed to resolve the technological issues. That’s why we have to take different codes from technological standards for maintaining the integrity of our centralized EMR function. (Shabo, 1)

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