Physical Needs

It can be seen by the graph below that when we are born we are totally reliant on someone else to satisfy our needs. As an adult we have less needs on others and are more able to be independent but then as old age approaches we require support again. P Physical I Intellectual E Emotional S Social Physical Needs The basic needs in life would be food, water, shelter, safety, security, sleep and warmth. Intellectual By keeping the brain stimulated this does not relate to the amount of qualifications that someone has but by the amount of stimulation they give themselves. This could be by and interesting hobby or a challenging lifestyle or even attending college, reading or taking part in other activities.

Emotional Everybody should feel the need to be liked or accepted or loved as an individual. When we are born we need love as much as we need food, and yet as a teenager we start to understand how important it is to form a close bond with someone. And we start to look for that life partner. We all need some emotional support as this contributes to improving our self-esteem. Social These needs are met through interaction with other people, forming bonds and making friendships is important to our social advancement. We feel depressed and lonely when close relationships break down. By wanting to advance and enhance our need to be good at our job, to want to study and do well will also enhance our social needs.

By applying the PIES theory to my case study Holly, I feel she has all her Physical needs met, she live in a house that provides her with security and warmth, she has a job that provides income and with benefits she can pay the bills. She has met the intellectual needs and is stimulated at work, but I feel these could be improved by having hobbies outside of work and by improving her education. By living with her daughters she has met the Emotional needs however she is missing that important person in her life to get some personal emotional needs.

Social needs are also minimal by only having interaction with work colleagues, by improving her skills at college these needs could be improved by giving her access to other jobs and also finding new friends and openings to hobbies. So, I place Holly as only having her Physical needs met and a good change in her overall lifestyle could improve her lifetime needs in all directions.

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