Physical change in Boys

Childhood is the expression used to illustrate the stage between ages three or four to nine. Early childhood, from about three to five years, is the investigative stage of life, when, though curiosity and because of countless new experiences, children develop huge variety of physical skills. Later childhood marks the beginning of formal education, when children have opportunity to develop and improve their skills in a structured setting. From the ages of six to eight, girls are still lighter and shorter than boys are. During this time, the lower portion of their body is growing the fastest.

Also during the middle childhood years, the bones begin to lengthen and broaden. Ligaments are not attached tightly to the bones yet. Because of this, children of this age experience unusual flexibility. At this age, I was able to put both of my legs (near enough) around my neck because I was so flexible. I began gymnastics around this age also. I began to become interested in many sports, and my flexibility along with my athleticism supported my performance in many sports. 4-9 years old Children can run and skip well, play simple ball games, and are skilled tricycle riders.

Children can hop, skip, run; play with a ball and climb. 6-9 years old: Children continue to grow in size, strength and co-ordination. Their developing fine motor skills permit them to become knowledgeable in performance such as swimming, tennis, and football, and in activities that demand skills. Adolescence- Adolescence describes the stages between about age 10 and 18. Puberty is the time when the body of a school-aged child turns into that of an adult. This growth is regulated by hormones that are genetically influenced. Girls usually reach puberty an average of two years before boys.

During this time, extreme weight gains are common, and the skeleton begins to mature. Sex hormones control sexual maturation. Testosterone in boys brings about their facial hair and muscle growth. It also leads to muscle growth. The female organs release estrogen, and it causes breasts, uterus, and the vagina to mature. The two main categories that the changes puberty brings about can be divided into are overall body growth and the maturation of sex characteristics. The first visible sign of puberty is usually a large growth spurt. A growth spurt is the rapid gain in height and weight.

For girls, this growth spurt usually takes place around or after age ten and for boys it usually takes place around twelve and a half. Remember when I started to hit puberty; I was all confused about what was happening because my body was changing so quickly. I think it was around year 9 when I started going through puberty. I was kind of chubby. Girls are usually taller and heavier than boys are during early adolescence. Most girls are completely grown by age sixteen. It also marks the development of liberty and an ability to think in more theoretical terms, for example, to explore ideas, challenge power.

Solve problems and develop personal values, views, beliefs and morals. Height and weight During adolescence, most boys and girls reach adult height and weight, although there is considerable variation in when this occurs. The growth spurt in boys occurs between the ages of 13 and 15 years; a gain of 4 inches can be expected in the year of maximum growth. The growth spurt in girls occurs between the ages of 11 and 13 years; a gain of 3 inches can be expected in the year of maximum growth. In general, boys become heavier and taller than girls. By age 18, boys have about three quarters inch of growth remaining and girls have slightly less.

Physical change in Boys In boys, the first changes in sexual characteristics are enlargement of the scrotum and testes, followed by lengthening of the penis. Internally, the seminal vesicles and prostate gland enlarge. Next, pubic hair appears. Hair grows on the face and in the underarms about 2 years after it appears in the pubic area. The first ejaculation usually occurs between the ages of 12 and 14, about 1 year after the penis begins to lengthen. Breast enlargement on one side or both is common in young adolescent boys and usually disappears within a year. Physical changes in girls

In the majority of girls, the first visible sign of sexual maturation is breast maturing, closely followed by the growth spurt. The first menstrual period commonly starts about 2 years after the breasts begin to enlarge. Height increases most before menstruation begins. Soon afterward, pubic and underarm hair appears, however some girls don’t have any pubic/hair growing until they have reached a certain age, I say this because I have a friend who hasn’t got any growth of hair on her underarms, arms and legs; she’s now 17 and they are now starting to grow. This shows that girls can grow at different paces.

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