Difference in angle of peripheral vision between boys and girls

Peripheral vision is the edges of your visual field. This allows you to see a little behind the eye if a straight line was to be drawn across your face in-line with the eye. Each individual has different angles of peripheral vision even if you are the same gender and from the same mother. Your peripheral vision can sometimes be extended if you are wearing glasses. Some people have a wider peripheral vision than others.

Aim:The aim of my experiment is to find out which gender, male or female has a wider range of peripheral vision. I am going to carry out an experiment because I want to find out why some people can see more in their range of eyesight than others. At the end of my experiment I am going to make a conclusion. Prediction: I predict that girls have a better peripheral vision. My reasons for this is becuase Variables: Whilst I am carrying out my experiment I will make sure that I carry it out fairly and accurately.

I am going to do this because any incorrect readings, tests and results that are taken, will affect my experiment. During my experiment I will change the following; The individual that is being tested . The gender that is being tested A few things that I will try and keep the same during my experiment are;  The person who takes each test .The same protractor . The same pencil .Keeping the pencil and protractor same distance from the eye each time/

Apparatus:To carry out my experiment properly I will need the following apparatus; . An individual .A pencil or a pen.A fairly large protractor Measurements and Readings In my experiment I am going to measure the angle of vision of each individual. The measurement units that I am going to use during my experiment are going to be degrees (? ). I am going to base my readings on four individuals, two boys and two girls. Of each individual I am going to take ten readings.

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