Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Edwards stated “philosophy is an attitude toward life and reality that evolves from each nurses beliefs” (1997, p. 1089). To figure out one’s philosophy of nursing, the nurse has to first figure out what nursing means to the individual. Philosophies are personal views and are influenced by different facets of the nurse’s development and educational background.

This is a philosophy of nursing that reflects the beliefs and values of Alicia Waggoner. My personal philosophy of nursing is to use the holistic approach. All dynamics of the patient need to be taken into consideration when providing care. The physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being of the patient needs to be the main focus of patient care. The patient is to always remain at the center of care. As a nurse I believe that nursing integrates humanities, arts, and with a foundation of the health sciences. While putting the patient first it is sometimes difficult in a structured setting to do.

When dealing with the patient, you also have to put family dynamics into consideration. The patient’s support system includes the family, loved ones, significant others. “Although initially it may seem to cause more work to engage the family, in the long term, work and life is made easier by their inclusion. Such inclusion often reassures families that their relationships can continue in spite of changed circumstances. Staff and families also get to know each other — resulting in a more harmonious environment” (Farvis, 2002, p. 1). Providing care to patients in a caring, respectful manner is important. The nurse can help patients become involved in care and keep the patient informed about what is going on. Keeping the patient informed helps maintain a positive patient-nurse relationship.

Personal Philosophy I chose nursing as my profession because nursing is a rewarding career. Computers cannot replace the level of care that a nurse provides. Patients rely on the caring touch from a nurse that signify caring and support. Through the years people have always said to me that they cannot believe some of care I have to provide to the patient on a day-to-day basis and it takes a “special someone” to be a nurse. I used to think that statement was non-sense.

As I get older and realize there is more to nursing than just passing pills, I believe the statement has truth to it and takes a special someone to be a nurse. Providing care and knowing a patient is one step closer to leaving the hospital is a rewarding feeling. I believe the core of nursing is caring for the patient and to help the patient to become healthy, and to maintain a good nurse-patient relationship. A good relationship between nurse and patient ensures that the patient is more willing to entrust his care with the nurse. In turn, the patient outcome will be a positive one.

I believe that the focus of nursing is in the best interest of the patient. Every patient is unique and patient care is adapted to fit each individual patient. A plan of care for each patient should be written and followed specifically for that patient. Regardless of age, sex, religion, class, and regardless of insurance coverage patients will be treated equally. The nurse should give a non-judgmental attitude toward the patient. The nurse’s personal beliefs should not affect the quality of care given.

My vision for myself as a nurse is providing the best care for my patient by actively listening to my patient. I will provide empathy and nurture my patient and family. I will provide nursing skills I have learned through the years with compassion while helping my patient toward wellness.

Carrying Out Philosophy of Nursing To live out my philosophy of nursing, every day I must remember this about the following: My patients will always be at the center of care. When caring for the patient, the family and loved ones are also involved in the care. The patient’s support group is important in the healing process of the patient. My fellow health care professionals play an important role in care of the patient. All disciplines are part of planning in the well-being of the patient. Collaboration with the doctor, social workers, dietician, respiratory therapy, physical and occupational therapy, and psychiatrist are part of the interdisciplinary plan of care.

Maintaining my own health is important in providing care to the patients. Patients learn by example. Instructing a patient in smoking cessation is often difficult if the nurse doing the teaching is a smoker. Preventative care of the nurse helps ensure the health of the nurse.

Conclusion Nursing is a demanding job. The nurse gives physically, emotionally, and mentally to the patient. Nurses need to be at optimal health to care for patients while making the patient the focus of care given. Listening to the patient, working with family and medical staff, the patient can have a good outcome.


  • Patel, Yogi. “Personal Philosophy of Nursing.” (2014).
  • Whitman, Brenda L., and Wanda J. Rose. “Using art to express a personal philosophy of nursing.” Nurse Educator28.4 (2003): 166-169.
  • King, Imogene M. “A theory for nursing systems, concepts, process.” (1981).

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