Personal fitness profile

Purpose/aim of the programme. Personal fitness profile. Explain how fit you think you are, and if you have any injuries or health problems. Outline how much physical activity you get in a typical week. State what targets you expect to achieve by the end of the 5 sessions in terms of aspects of fitness/skills you want to improve. 5 marks Awareness of safety aspects. Outline any potential risks with any apparatus/equipment. What factors will you need to consider when planning the order/types of exercises? Explain how and why you will prepare your body for exercise/and help it to recover afterwards. 5 marks Appropriateness of chosen exercises. Explain why you have chosen at least two of the exercises/ activities and how they will help you achieve your targets. 5 marks I have chosen many different exercises for my training sessions.

I have chosen press-up because press up improves muscular endurance and strength, which are both essential aspects of football. Muscular endurance is the muscle ability to keep going over a log period of time without tiring. Muscular Endurance is vital for a football player to have because having good muscular endurance will able them to exert a lot of force for a long period of time. I have chosen to do sit up because sit up will improve muscular endurance in the abdominal muscles; this comes in handy when a throw-in needs to be thrown over a long distance. Appropriate application. Explain how your training will progress each time and how you will be Were the exercises in the correct order? Explain why/why not. I do feel that the exercises were in the correct order.

Were the exercises/ activities the correct ones to choose? Explain why/why not. The exercises I choose were the correct ones because my aim at the beginning was to improve my general fitness and nothing specific. The exercises were correct because my performance was on the increase throughout the 5 sessions. In the performance in each activity, it proved that these were the correct exercises to choose because it was very easy to keep on top of things and my scores. Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks)

Explain how you applied the principles of progression/overload. I applied the principles of progression/overload because before each session I set myself targets. These targets were usually to try to beat my previous score with a realistic estimate. I worked harder because I knew that I had a target to meet. The overload and progression worked well and defiantly made me work hard. Was the programme easy to manage (set up, do, record progress etc)? Whilst I was performing, the programme was easy to manage because I wrote all of my scores down in a table. The programme was also really quite easy to manage because There was not much equipment that I needed to arrange to use in my programme.

Did you enjoy it and work to your limit? How do you know? Overall I enjoyed completing the circuit training and was very pleased with the way in which the PEP developed all the different aspects of my fitness. I do not think that I worked to my limit every time because there were times when my scores slumped proving that I could have worked better. Monitoring Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks) Did you make any changes to your programme? Explain why you did/did not do so. I did not make any changes to the programme because it was proving effective. It tested my all round fitness not just a specific aspect of it.

Explain the effects performing had on you in any of the 5 sessions. On the fourth session of doing my personal exercise plan my results were not as high as previous sessions, this is because I was ill. In the 4th session, the exercises and trying to perform to the best of my ability took it toll on me after the session because I was feeling ill. Were the results you achieved what you expected? Explain why this was/was not the case Yes, the results that I had achieved at the end of the 5 sessions programme were what I expected because there was an increase in my performance every week except for the time I was ill. I was particularly pleased with the step up and squat jump results.

Final evaluation Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks) Refer to your post test scores The post-test sores show I have improved in all areas of fitness. I was particularly pleased with the agility test and vertical jump. These improvements have allowed me to be more effective in the matches I am playing and I am starting to make fewer mistakes. Explain what progress or improvements you have made as a result of completing the programme. As a result of completing the programme, I am happy with the results and improvements to my fitness that I have made. Now with an improved fitness I will be able to improve my all round game in football.

If you were going to continue with the programme what changes would you make? There aren’t many improvements I could make to my personal Exercise plan, accept if I could do it again I would add in some more stations e.g. bench jump I think that I would also make the time that I spend on each station longer. This would make it easier for me to reach my target and I would become fitter if I do more exercises. Also I would like to have seen my results if I had a longer period of time to see if my improvements could get better and better.

Personal fitness profile. Explain how fit you think you are, and if you have any injuries or health problems. Outline how much physical activity you get in a typical week. State what targets you expect to achieve by the end …

Was the programme at the right level for you? I believe the programme was at the right level for me as I worked with great intensity in all of the training sessions as I was out of breath once I …

Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks) Explain the fitness test result(s) you achieved before you started your training programme My pre test was multistage and 1achived level 7. 1 I am not pleased …

A Personal Exercise Programme is a training programme designed to meet specific individual needs. I have selected to make my PEP tennis specific and my aim is to improve aspects of my fitness that will make my game more successful. …

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