People Should Adopt a Balanced Diet

Obesity is fast becoming a major concern in the world these days. Majority of western-country citizens are suffering from this problem due to countless reasons. In the United States, current statistics indicate that over the las two decades, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity cases. This fact points that there is a cause for concern as obesity can lead to a number of fatal complications. Thus, it is only appropriate for people to adopt a balanced diet. It may not only lower the case of obesity, but the mortality rate of the people as well. II. Body There are a number of ways in which a person can lose weight.

All these means have it’s own effects on the body of the person dieting. A. Make a plan. Planning one’s diet is not as easy as it seems. It is best that a physician is consulted before a regimen to lose weight is followed. The plan may include considering current weight and amount of weight needed to be lost, as well as the types of food that can decrease the fat and other unnecessary nutrients in the body. B. Check your food. The food you eat is the most important factor to consider when planning to adopt a balanced diet. It is necessary that food intake before and after the regimen is adopted is monitored and recorded.

Healthy and nutritious foods should be included in the diet as it can detoxify the body, keep it fit and healthy, as well as stifle the aging process. C. Exercise It is also a good idea to include exercise in order to lose weight. There are various exercises which people may adopt to get successfully prevent obesity. C. 1 Fitness Fitness routine is similar to aerobics wherein different body movements can get a person worked out. The routines may vary from hand to leg movement to a full body movement. Fitness is a tried and tested means to sweat out and lose unwanted fats. C. 2 Yoga

Yoga is another form of exercise that people may adopt to lose extra weight. Unlike fitness, however, yoga is a more quiet exercise which may also be used to relax the muscles and the mind. It has been found to have effectively kept celebrities fit, healthy, and rejuvenated. C. 3 Dance A dance routine is guaranteed to give a full body work out. It is also more fun as compared to yoga and fitness as the moves are usually more complex. Other times, the routine is contemporary and modern enough for the youth who are also contributors in the increasing statistics of the obese people. D. Massage

The existence of numerous massage equipment that claims to be able to help people lose weight is one proof that proper massaging can aid in the reduction of extra weight and fat in the body. It has also been found to be an effective stress reliever and body rejuvenation regimen. E. Nutrition All the given means to lose weight were proven effective and safe for both men and women. Apart from this, they were also found to be effective means to improve one’s health and nutrition. This means, that it can help the naturally fix itself and stay in shape. Good nutrition can also contribute to longer and better life.

III. Conclusion Losing weight is essential most especially to those who were diagnosed with obesity. People who will not adopt a balanced diet with exercise will never get the best figure that may be desired. In addition to this, obesity is likely as well as dying from complications like heart attack, diabetes, hypertension. Probable references http://www. cdc. gov/obesity/data/trends. html http://www. scotthyoung. com/blog/2006/07/29/how-to-start-a-fitness-regimen/ http://yoga. about. com/ http://hubpages. com/hub/Dancing-as-a-form-of-exercise-and-having-fun http://nutrition. about. com/

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