The Health of Young People

The definition of health as stated by the World Health Organization (WHO), is said to be a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease. Gathered by the survey conducted, the public’s perceptions of the health of young people differ between each individual according to their lifestyle, education and age, and have many similarities and differences in comparison to the 2011 report of young Australians and their health and wellbeing.

The idea generated of young people’s health in Australia , collected by statements and opinions of the people surveyed, was seen to have improved greatly over the years due to things such as influences in the media promoting healthy and active lifestyles, as well as more education on health and being more physically conscious. Another source seemed to disagree with the idea of young people having good health, and generalized teenagers as being big drinkers and users of various drugs, because they are becoming more exposed to drugs and want to experiment. Although these are all valid opinions, overall statistically there are large declines in smoking and drug use of young people, as well as the majority of young people in australia rating their health highly. So even though there are young people that are involved in drinking and taking drugs, rates are lowering, and the majority of the young australian population is leading a healthier lifestyle.

Are young males as healthy as young females? From the results of the survey, some believed that males are healthier, for reasons such as girls being more likely to be involved in yo-yo dieting and abuse their bodies with their nutritional intake. It was also said that females are more likely to over exercise due to distorted body image, and have a higher rate of eating disorders. On the other hand, another source believed that females were healthier, because they are more concerned with body image and being healthy, while males tend to drink more alcohol and take steroids to achieve a ‘fit’ body. There is no information on the 2011 report in regards to males or females being healthier, but this helps to understand the perception of young peoples health in todays society.

What aspects of young people health has improved over the years? Recorded from the survey, it was believed that areas of physical activity and fitness have improved dramatically in recent years, as well as social aspects of young peoples health due to technology, and the internet providing opportunity to meet new people and stay in touch with friends. It was also said by a source that the overall health has improved in recent years due to technology being able to improve medicine, and repair health. According to the australian institute of health and well fare, there are declines in illness, asthma attacks, hepatitis and improved survival of cancer. This means that through the development of medicine and education of illness, rates have declined, showing the similarity between the source’s opinion and the factual evidence.

Aspects of young peoples health that have declined in recent years, were perceived by a source that was surveyed, to be the development and popularity of technology becoming dominant in young peoples lives and leaving no down time, effecting sleep in a negative way. It was also said that the use of technology has destroyed communication skills between one another. Another source believed that the exposure to drugs and alcohol, and fast food chains is destroying health and causing obesity. As recorded by the australian institute of health and well fare, there is a large amount of overweight young people who don’t meet physical activity or fruit and vegetable guidelines, and there is a large amount of young people who are drinking at high risk levels, as well as many victims of alcohol and drug related violence.

In conclusion, the people surveyed incorporated the idea of technology affecting areas of health, whilst the 2011 report didn’t include this aspect in their statistics and evidence. The health of australians living in other areas, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people and young people living in remote areas,were not considered in the answers of the survey conducted, but included throughout the report. Aside from these differences, the public generally has a clear idea of what the health of young people is in recent times.

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