Patients’ right to confidential healthcare

This assessment involves examining the ability of old people to function well and perform the basic activities of daily living independently. These activities include, bathing, dressing, taking meals, climbing stairs, visiting a doctor and managing their medication. Assess their living arrangements, who they live with and where they live and also whether they have access to social and support services. When assessing older adults, identify their current problems and the problems they are likely to face in future on the basis of their health and their social networks. (Potter, P. & Perry, A. (2007).

On assessing the elderly, develop a comprehensive care plan that addresses all the identified problems, suggested interventions and actions that are needed to deal with the problems. Identify the resources that are needed to provide the required support and social services to the elderly. Assess the connection between the identified resources and the older adults and his family to ensure that these services are provided to the older person. Every patient has the right to privacy concerning his health care. The patient has the right to expect that all matters concerning his health are treated as confidential.

Nurse Smith and Nurse Jones have breached the client’s right to confidentially by discussing his health to a group of people who are not directly involved with the client. The standards of nursing practice explains that the nurse has a responsibility to keep private the patients data and only disclose it to members of the health team who need to know. (Potter, P. & Perry, A. (2007). The client in Room 14B has the legal cause to take action against the nurses for discussing his health status to the public. Violation of the patient’s right to confidentiality is a serious offense subject to legal action.

The disclosure of this kind of information to the public damages the patient public image. People will now view the patient with a negative attitude. Nurse Jones and Nurse Smith have a responsibility to protect the patient’s information. The patient has the right to sue the two nurses for disclosing his HIV status without his permission. Even though the client’s fiancee has the right to know the HIV status of her future husband, the nurse has no right to tell, unless if given the authority by the client. Government regulations have been implemented that allow a patient to keep his HIV status a secret if he chooses to do so.

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