The range of food substances in a ketogenic diet may range from cream, butter and peanut butter. Foods rich in carbohydrates include; bread, pasta fruits and vegetables. The diet has to be strictly adhered to as any slight deviation may cancel the expected effect. The diet is best for conditions that do not respond well to medication especially in cases where there lots of side effects with the use of drugs . care should be taken with the use of the diet as it becomes risky when other nutrients are not supplemented as this may result into defiencies.
The impact of the disease is felt both by the patient and the society. Though it’s a normal condition, patients suffer a lot from embarrassment in the event seizures and only a handful will wish to disclose that they are epileptic, most epileptics are known to live in fear due to the uncertainty of the attack. It is recommended for epileptics to avoid conditions known to trigger seizures and they include: bright light, stress that amounts in to lack of sleep, over stimulation and have proper medication to deal with fever and hyperventilation.
In the USA the epilepsy foundation provides reliable information for people with epilepsy. The foundation recently organized the 2009 national walk on epilepsy in Washington DC to sensitize the public on epilepsy and the fact that it’s not a disability hence advocating for equal job rights for epileptics. This foundation also provides necessary information on the care needed for epileptic seizures alongside legal support for epileptics.
The foundation works in collaboration with other institutions such as the ecommunities which has a networking site for sharing ideas and experience on dealing with epilepsy (Epilepsy Foundation, V9). Epilepsy is not a disability since epileptics can still lead a normal a normal life provided they are on therapy. They can do normal life activities and involve themselves in extracurricular activities like swimming where it’s recommended that they swim under observation. An epileptic on medication can still own a driving license.
It’s advisable that epileptics share out their condition with close friends who may help them in the event of a seizure. It’s frightening to develop seizures but it’s advisable for friends to stay calm, help where necessary by making the patient comfortable in the event of the attack. Breakables should be taken off and any tight clothing around the neck loosened. Since they happen to have uncontrolled motions any sharp objects should be removed it is recommended that no object be put in the mouth however much an epileptic may bite the mouth. Epilepsy is manageable though there seem to be no cure and it’s not proper for epileptics to be isolated or stay in hiding, there’s help.
Works cited:
Goodman MD. Epilepsy . Nov 2007, Accessed on March 31, 2009 at http;//www. kidshealth. org This book provides information on the definition of the disease, its causes, symptoms prevention and a detailed discussion on the available modes of treatment. Leppik Ille. Guide to balancing your life, Demos Medical LLC, 2006 This book outlines the predisposing factors to epilepsy alongside the available forms of treatment.