Participation in all sports

I’am the local chairperson of ‘porto’ Sports Association, I’am going to provide the local Sports council with information on the sports sector. The Cardiff central youth club is affiliated with Waga.It is run by professional and voluntary coaches. It started off as a small voluntary set-up for gymnastics in 1970 in our local town but the project was rebuilt in Ocean Park Cardiff Bay which is huge and consistes of over 100 members. My target is to think seriously about the future of Cardiff central, by doing this I need to find information on the provision, finance, and the barriers. My job as a chairman is to ensure that Cardiff Central thrives and becomes one of the major clubs in the area over the next few years.

Aim’s and Obejctives: To achieve this I need to think about coach development, particpants, competitions and performance for everyone. I want to increase the participation in all sports at cardiff Central, and promote the club within the local community by improving commuity links. My aim is to boost the participation level, by majking sure the club is run well and managed with great care. I need to find out what is does, and doesn’t do, very well., and how to tackle barriers and improve weekensses.

The Commitee. The Chair Plays a major role as a leader for the club. He will insure the club is developed best as apossible, he oversees all aspects of the Club and is responsible for the smooth running of the Club and Committee Meetings. Our Vice chair-officer presides at the meetings of an organization, he takes the place of a chairman if the chairman is not available.Our Honary secretary-Deals with the administrative side of the club.

The Treasurer role is receiving and disbursing funds aswel as controling and managing the money. Fixture Secretary-Arange’s events, competitions, trips, friendly’s for the club. Our Publicity Officer works on advertising the club to our community leaflets, flyers etc. So our main roles are fund raising, social events and the maintenance of the grounds and our facilities. All positions are voted on at an Annual General Meeting

Membership fees. At the AGM meeting it is their role to decide on the cost of fees and subscription’s for the season. They highlight the importance of the constitution and following the rules and regulations that are discussed at these meeting’s. These meeting’s are held monthly and are open to any member of the club. But membership is open to anyone completing a membership application.

Types of members: We have four different types of members such as Full time members which ensure you are kept up with full information about the club that entitles them to vote at meetings, They Provide access to the ‘Running Sport’ programme.They enable you to play an active role in the decision making process for sport. They also ensure that the sport is represented by a strong voice that supports the club fully and has strong relationship with the Sports Governing Bodies.

The Associate Membership attend’s meetings and inform’s you with up to date information about the club and your sport slo keeping links with Sports bodiess such as British Amateur Gymnastics Association < Secetory-Deals with complaints adminstrive side of thing’s. Our Life long member Show’s a large interest in the club and has paid sports council fees for a long period of time. This shall be an honorary class of membership to be granted at the discretion of the Annual General Meeting as a reward for long/or distinguished service on behalf of the Club. Also junior members which are young chilldren and adults under the age of 18. There are laso non members which means this class of membership shall be reserved for those members who wish to be associated with, and contribute to, the Club, whilst not wishing or being available to play for the Club.

What is managmant responsible for? The club shall be managed through the Managment Commitee consisting of these officers i have mentioned previously.Only these posts will have the right to vote at managment commitees. The Managment commitee is mainly responsible for the codes of conducts and what rules affect the organisation of a club. They have the power to appoint sub-commitees and appoint advisers to the managment to fufil it’s busness. They are responsible for disciplinary hearings to those who go against the code of conduct. The management Commitee will be responsible for taking any disciplinary action following such hearings.

What happens to the money? All clubs money will be banked in the name of the club. The club treasurer will be in charge of collecting the money and dealing with any acounts. The financial year of the club will end on a set date. An audited statement of annual accounts will be presented by the treasurer at the AGM. Any cheques drawn against the club funds should hold the signitures of the treasurer, plus two other officers.

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