Oxygen reaching the muscles

S – Specificity is when you train to develop individual skills for your relevant sport and position so you can train with the main aim to improve your skills in that position and therefore improve your sport. I would use this when I want to improve a certain skill e.g. passing. P – Progressive training is where you do a little more training than your previous training session in order to increase your ability at that certain exercise you are training. I would use this when I wanted to show myself getting better at a certain thing e.g. for passing I would increase the distance and record the accuracy.

O – Over load is when you push your body beyond its limits in an attempt to improve. By doing this you are improving your abilities on certain aspects so that you can reach a higher level. This would be used more in the gym to increase the strength of something e.g. my legs in order to jumper higher to win the ball. R – Reversibility means that you can lose fitness quicker than it is gained if you don’t do any exercise so you should keep on doing exercise so that the fitness that you worked hard to gain does not just go due to lack of exercise. T – The tedium is very important as it keeps training exciting. To keep yourself entertained you could take the dog with you or just listen to music whatever will entertain you during the exercise. When training I would take my iPod with me to keep myself entertained.

How will I apply this to my programme? To apply specificity a good understanding of the game or event performed is required. It is important to train in an appropriate way and to improve features of fitness that are required. For example a swimmer would need muscular endurance and to spend the majority of their time training in the pool. The exercises would have to be trained at the required pace to prevent performed too slowly.

To constantly improve my fitness levels, it is important to constantly progress the body and the intensity of the exercise. The pressure needs to be slightly increased and then the pressure will easily ease off as the body improves. To ensure that there is progression within my fitness programme I will have to change some things that I have planned. Firstly, the number of repetitions I obtain will increase but still in the same amount of time. Once I have done this I will need to push my body more, I will only make small alterations in order to do this. For this I will slightly alter each station to increase the difficulty so then the body physically and mentally has to work harder. I can also aim to complete the circuit twice in one session.

I will need to overload the body, as this is an important factor when using a fitness programme. Once my fitness has improved a little I will still need to continue overloading the body. Firstly, the dumbbells will be changed for a slightly heavier one. Also, for example I can try to carry a light-weighted medicine ball when doing ladder run. I can do other things for all my other stations as well. Reversibility focuses on the fact that it the exercise is not continued then the body will lose strength, stamina and skill. These factors can be lost three times as quickly as they are gained! Therefore if I stop doing my circuit, or stop exercising my fitness level will decrease, so my stamina and strength won’t be able to improve.FID F – Frequency means how many times a week you will do the exercise and you should always stick to the same frequency per week.  I – The intensity of the training session is the weight of the weights, or the pace of the jog and/or the amount of lengths that you did. This should all be recorded down.

D – The duration of the training should also be recorded weather its 2 hours or 4 hours you need to record the duration of the exercise. Other things that are important to consider when planning a circuit are frequency, intensity and duration. Frequency is simply the number of times a week the exercise is performed; we will be performing our circuit once a week for five weeks. The duration is also a very simple thing to be able to carry out; this is how long the exercise will be performed. Each station will be performed for 30 seconds. The intensity however is slightly different from the two above; intensity is the level of difficulty of the exercise, which will vary between stations.

I will do my circuit once thorough, but as my fitness level progresses I will be able to do more. I will keep a score of my result so I no if I’m improving or not. This is how I will score each station: Station 1 – skipping – how many times my feet hit the floor Station 2 – Press-ups – how many times I go down towards the floor Station 3 – high knees – how many times each foot hits the ground Station 4 – burpies – how many times I complete one burpie Station 5 – ladder – how many times I go from one end to the other Station 6 – arm curls – how many times I bring my arms up Station 7 – step-ups – when both feet hit the bench Station 8 – squat thrust – every time I return to the extended position.

I will monitor my heart rate on a regular basis; I will take my heart rate before my warm up, after my first pulse raise, after my second pulse raiser and after each of my stations. After my last station I will record my heart rate after 1 minute, 3 minutes and 5 minutes, so I can see how fast I recover which will also show how fit I am. Diary – Circuit One My first circuit I found very difficult, as my fitness was not at its highest standards. I was already quite tired before I started my circuit, but I was mentally ready to train. My maximum heart rate reached 190, and I was very hot and tired after I had completed it, also I had very achy muscles. I found some stations a challenge but some of them weren’t that tough. I was reasonably pleased with my results considering my level of fitness.

After I had finished, my muscles were aching this is because, I was working very hard, and there was build up of lactive acid and a lack of oxygen reaching the muscles. Diary Circuit Two My Second circuit I found slightly easier than my first attempt, I also felt more comfortable with my circuit because I had already done it. I was feeling, ready to do my circuit and was up for a challenge, so I tried very hard. My maximum heart rate reached 190 again. I was very hot and tired after I had completed it, also I had very achy muscles. Some of the stations were a challenge, but not as the first time. My scores were basically the same as the ones before although a few of them had increased.

After I had finished, my muscles were aching again, especially my hamstrings, gastrocnemius and quadriceps. I was very pink, but I was relaxed and not as tired as I was the first time. comfortable with the stations and very relaxed, whereas as before I was quite tense. I improved most of my scores by a few activities, it was quite hard to monitor though considering I had to leave a few out in order to recover from my injury. All in all I felt this training session was a success, I completed my circuit within a good time, which enabled me to cool down properly so that my muscles weren’t aching the following day. This is because the muscles are slowly situated back to there original state, without a massive decrease of work, to a minimum amount of work. I was rationally tired. But my heart rate dropped fast.

Diary – Circuit Four Despite the fact my preceding circuit was a great success; I found this also was another vast achievement. Although I wasn’t feeling one hundred percent up to taking part in this, I soon felt ready after warming up and getting prepared. Once I got to my sixth station I was getting tired, because that day I had already had a pe lesson and had a netball training and taekwondo following that day so I don’t think I was trying as hard as I could have been, because I physiologically knew I had to do more later that day. At the end of my training circuit session I felt relieved that I had finished it, my heart rate went quite high but it soon dropped and I was back to my original state, although I knew I had more work to come

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My aim is that when I complete my personal exercise programme, I will have achieved a higher level of overall fitness. However, to reach my specified target, I will need to do a six week fitness programme which will include …

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