Oakdale Clinic

Hello my name is Emma Baker and I work as a nursing home carer who cares for the elderly with all different kinds of disabilities to help them in the stages of developing. I make sure that my patients get the best care of my ability. It is called Oakdale nursing home which is connected with the primary trust that I work at called Oakdale Clinic on Abbott Rd in Worthing. I have been asked to talk to you about the rights of individual service users using the facilities.

An individual right is something that is entitled to you like: 1. To be respected – Accepting that other people have the right to an opinion or way of living which may be different to my own. I would respect the patient’s wishes on their general appearance and how their wish to live in the home. 2. To be treated as an individual – only being treated as one and not as a group. 3. To be treated in a dignified way – treat someone the way you would like to be treated. I would make sure that the patient is looked after, never isolated and treated with the respect there deserve.

4. To be treated equally and not discriminated against – against social class, gender, sexuality, age etc 5. To be allowed privacy – meaning no interruption in your private life.  I would ensure that my patient’s have privacy when needing to change or going to the toilet if able. 6. To be protected from danger and harm – meaning having the right to be safe in an environment. 7. To be cared in a way that meets your needs – it is important that people’s choice are shown to support self – esteem I would make sure that my patients always have the choice on what they want to do e.g. picking their meal for dinner

Also Confidentiality is a very important right that mixes in the privacy. It is vital. Confidentiality: to insure private information about services users is kept a secret. Disclosure: is a piece of information that belongs to server users that needs to be agreed to be share. Nevertheless, it can be appropriate to breech the confidentiality. Breech: means breaking confidentiality at necessary appropriate times. The Data Protection Act (1998) – protect people’s rights of confidentiality because your following rights are:

That at any time you can’t say “No” to providing info. That any data on you should be accurate and up to date. That any data on you should not be held on you longer than is necessary. To know all data on you. These are some situations that these rights could come into play. Discriminated against Two male patients on same ward. One of them was an Englishman the other is an Indian man. Both have the same problem (high blood pressure and such) the nurse was an English trainee she came in to give water and doing a check up on the Englishman. But the Indian man was missed out.

To be cared for in a way meet needs a take account of preferences and choicesIn a care home, a couple had just finished order their dinner. But the care worker brought out a meal in which was not the meal the couple had chosen to eat. Also the care worker wouldn’t change the meal to the right one.

Care workers will keep patients rights and responsibilities. By doing this, they will make sure that patients have the right to their own beliefs and lifestyles, your client has the right t o eat unhealthy food, but you must warn …

Confidentiality has a very broad significance and meaning, especially in health and social care settings. Confidentiality is of the utmost importance; for the service user it means being able to say something without fear of it going any further. It’s …

Several ethical dilemmas have come up with the advancements in technology and the research on medicine. “Nurses therefore need to understand ethical theories so that they will know how to deal with the ethical dilemmas (Scutchfield, C. D. & Keck). …

The problem of substance abuse, especially heroin and morphine addiction, affects not only the United States of America, but the rest of the world as more and more teenagers and adults are willing to try what euphoria looks like. Federal …

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