Nutrition and Health benefits Of Healthy Living

     In the world that we are currently living in, every individual is exposed with the different technologically modified materials such as the food that we are taking in. Due to the demand and the fast-paced life that we have, often than not individuals do not have the time to properly create a meal that is nutritious and healthy. The fast food chains are the immediate resolution of the individuals that are in a hurry to just leave their house. This process is very beneficial for most individual because they save time. However the nutrition that comes from such food are not enough for the body to be healthy and would not enable it to fight the diseases that the body might possibly have. The body’s immunity against the bad bacteria becomes lower than the normal.

The Body:

     Our body is composed of many different organs and systems which are attached to the different functions our bodies need to have. Our body is made up of different systems such as the: Skeletal system, Digestive system, Muscular system, Lymphatic system, Endocrine system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, male or female reproductive system and the Urinary system. All these systems within our body work as one in order for it to function well. With out all these given systems in our body, we could not function as normal human beings. There is a great possibility that our bodies have irregularities or diseases.  (“Human Anatomy Online”, n.p.)

In this research paper, some of these systems in the body would be presented in order to justify the need for the body to have good nutrition. Some of the organ systems that would be mentioned are: the Skeletal System, the digestive system and the Female Reproductive System to present that taking care of the body is responsibility for every individual.

Skeletal System:

The Skeletal System serves many important functions; it provides the shape and form for our bodies in addition to supporting, protecting, allowing bodily movement, producing blood for the body, and storing minerals. (“The Skeletal System”, n.d.)

  The skeletal system consists of 206 bones which forms a rigid structure which has organs and soft tissues compared to the other parts of the body. The skeletal system protects different kinds of vital organs in the body such the brain in which it is protected by the skull. The skeletal system also protects other human vital organs such as the lungs and the heart which are within the rib cage and the sternum. (“The Skeletal System”, n.d.)

  The skeletal system is also important in maintaining the body movement of the human body because it carries out the “interaction of the muscular and skeletal systems.” Due to this type of responsibility, the skeletal system is usually joined together and presented as the “musculo-skeletal system.” The tendons are connected to the bones and the ligaments connect the bones together. This grouping is usually called the joints. The movement of the joints is caused by the contraction of the bones in order to create a movement. One perfect example would be the movement of the biceps and the calming of the triceps. This contraction creates the bending of a person’s elbow or the straightening of the arm. (“The Skeletal System”, n.d.)

     On the other hand, blood cells are responsible for producing the marrow that could be seen in some parts of the bones. There is an average of 2.6 million red blood cells in the body. These red blood cells are being produced every second by an organ called the marrow in order to replace the red blood cells that had been ruined by the liver. In addition, the bones are the past of the human system that stores important mineral such the phosphorus and calcium which are essential to the body. If there are excess productions of minerals in the body, the clustering will be seen in the bones. However, if the minerals in the blood are being supplied in the body is not enough the bones will be responsible in supplying such situations (“The skeletal system, n.p.).

The Digestive System:

     Every individual is in need to have a regular supply of good nutrition in the body. The nutrients contain different minerals in which the body needs to function well. The health of the body is based solely on the food intake of the individual through the daily meal that he or she takes in. The main function of the digestive system is to digest the nutrients that the body is being given to it. “The cells in the body regenerate the chemical building blocks of the nutrients to manufacture cellular materials for metabolism, growth and repair” (Cohen, 306). The food that we take are too large for the cells to absorb therefore, it is the digestive system’s responsibility to minimize the size of the food. The food will turn into small particles that will be absorbed through “the Plasma cell membrane” (Cohen, 2000, p. 306).

     After the digestion of the food, the process of circulation should be carrying the nutrients in the various parts of the human body. The relocation of the nutrients in the body is called the absorption. The last part of the process is the elimination of the wastes in which the body had digested. The three functions of the digestive system are: “Digestion, absorption and elimination” (Cohen,2000 p. 306).

The Female and Male Reproductive System:

     Although other people may not take note of this system while in their youth, the female reproductive system is one of the most important organ systems in the part of the human body. The intake food of the individual and the choice of what kind of food to eat is one of the most important factors that affect such organ system. Most women do not pay attention in such but in reality, food is one of the factors in which fertility and regularity of the reproductive system could be seen.

     The main function of the reproductive system of the human body is to “produce and transport sex cells” (Carter, 2008, p.678). Although the reproductive system of the male and female are the same, their reproductive systems vary from one another. The male reproductive system is made in order to create sperm cells that would be particular deposited to the female reproductive system. The female reproductive system on the other hand is made to generate eggs and be deposited with the sperm cells. The combination of these two cells will eventually develop a child and all other aspects relating to child birth and baring. In addition, the same explanation is also given by Kalyani Prekumar in which he states that “sex hormones, functioning gametes (ova), and to support and protect the developing embryo” (Premkumar, 2003, p. 427).

Nutrition and Health:

     Given all the parts of the organ system and their functions, this research would be presenting the factors in which the body could receive good nutrition as well as the benefits of having good health for the body for each of the organ system that are above.

     As children, we are often taught in school that we must learn how to eat a balanced and healthy diet. Each of us while in our grade school years our science classes present to us the basis food groups that we need in order to have a healthy body such as the grow, glow and go food groups. This information is mostly supported by the books, the teacher, the children’s show, commercials as well as the parents that are taking good care of their children. However, this teaching that we learn as we grow up are slowly being forgotten because of the different life style that we chose. Most of the time, while in the teenage years, a person veer away from the healthy, natural and nutritious food that were taught due to different causes.

     Another reason that is causing unhealthiness of the body are the fast arising of the new trend of fast-food chains that usually available in the reach of every person. Currently, these fast-food chains are popping like mushrooms everywhere which makes it more convenient for everyone to but these types of food. In addition, these fast-food chains advertise that they could create food for just a couple of seconds which are guaranteed to be fresh and hot any time they want it and where ever they want it. These makes the fast food chains the most convenient and restaurants available. Although these fast food chains promotes convenience to everyone, it never passed by the mind of its consumers that the material that they are eating do not give them sufficient nutrients for their bodies. Thus, these types of food lower the immune system due to the levels of nutrients that an individual could not have. Therefore, everyone must learn how to have a balance meal even though time demands for easy to cook meals.

     In every nutritional book available, most nutritionist prescribes to have a balanced diet. Such that of the author Graham Faiella(2004) which states that, “Putting into Practice the basic principles of nutrition can help create a healthy diet, reach and maintain healthy weight and enjoy a long and healthy life” (Faiella,2004,p.7). In another book written by Ruth Ann Carpenter and Carrie Finley (2005) a person must be able to access his or her daily intake of food. In their HEED (Healthy Eating Every Day) program promotes an increasing intake of natural food such as vegetables and fruits. They suggest that having a program as such and having an additional individual assessment of the daily meal intake will create an awareness of what types of food are filling up the body. Somehow, if they are aware of the materials that are into their bodies, they could prevent the unhealthy food and replace it with the right type of food such as vegetables and fruits. (Carpenter and Finley, 2005, p.20-23)

     Another type of technique that will enable the individuals to have a healthy diet is through being aware of the percentage of the nutrients available in the labels of the canned goods or the packages of the food in the grocery thus, this will make the individuals aware of the nutrients that they could have as well as the amount of fat they are taking in (McCarthy, 2005, p.4-5).

In addition, good healthy living is not enough without the conscious effort of exercising. It is also important if an individual desires to have a healthy body and life style. As stated in the book “Nutrition and Fitness” it stated that, “An opportunity for a little bit of exercise in the normal course of life itself will be lost. No matter—perhaps we can make up for it by climbing the stairs in our own office buildings” (Simopoulos, 2004, p. xxxviii).

In another book Healthy Healing the author state that, in having a healthy diet is an effort for everyone. The first day of putting your first foot in the commitment of healthy living is the most difficult moment that should be assumed by anyone willing to start such actions. If a person is truly committed with the program that he or she is getting into, she or he must continue and battle the challenges such as craving and temptation. The author admits that having such kind of decision could be life altering. (Page, 1997, p.158)


     In conclusion, every individual is responsible with their own bodies. Therefore, every individual must know and must be aware of the food intake that is advisable based on doctors and validated researches that could be found in different books and the internet. Having a healthy diet will make the body protected from different sickness could be encountered. Having the proper nutrients would evidently create a stronger immune system most especially for those that are expectant of an infant or those that are planning to have one.

Exercise must also be considered if healthy living and a healthy body is desired. Regular exercise will not only burn the excess fat that our bodies are regularly digesting but also it makes an individual’s body much stronger against the harsh elements that could be absorbed by the body. If there is no time available for the individual, basic exercises such as walking and climbing the stairs would be the most advisable body movement that they could do. But if a person is really devoted in having a fit body, she or he would make time to exercise or go to the gym.

     However, a person must be able to commit to his or her desire to live in a healthy way. Although an individual is starting in the right pace and the right mind but he or she does have the discipline to maintain the diet, most of the work that was already done will just be useless. The individual should start with a new program or shift to another type of diet in order to fully accomplish the goal of having a healthy living.

     Although the physical health of the individual is a great concern for most of the people now a days, having a peaceful living is one of the great ways of having a healthy life style. Having the peace of mind which is free from worries and all other concerns is also an important matter that should be maintained. Having good relations with other people as well as freedom from worries is one of the first steps to attain the healthy living. In addition, clean and healthy living does not only create a healthy body and mind but also a clean soul and a peaceful mind.


Carpenter, R.A., C.E. Finley.(2005). Healthy Eating Every Day. United States: Human Kinetics.

Carter. P. (2008). Lippincott’s Textbook for Nursing Assistants. United States: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Cohen, B. (2000). Memmler’s Structure and Function of the Human Body. United States of America: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Faiella, G. (2004).The Food Pyramid and Basic Nutrition. United States: Rosen Publishing.

McCarthy, R. (2005). Food Labels. United States: Rosen Publishing.

Page, L. (1997). Healthy Healing: A Guide to Self-Healing for Everyone. United States:Healthy Healing Inc.

Premkumar, K.(2003). The Massage Connection. United States of America: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Sinomopulous, A.,(2004). Nutrition and Fitness. Greece:Karger Publishers.

“Human Anatomy Online.” n.d. My Health Score. Com. Retrieved 12 August 2008 from

“The Skeletal System.” n.d. Minnesota State University. Retrieved 12 August 2008 from


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