Healthy Living

Health is described as physical and mental well-being and freedom from disease, pain or defect. However, such descriptions only superficially define the actual meaning of health. There may be many occasions when individuals are not necessarily ill or in pain but may be overweight, stressed or emotionally unstable. Health is a quality of life involving dynamic interaction and interdependence among the individual’s physical state, their mental and emotional reactions, and the social context in which the individual exists.

There are many factors that influence your health, but three major components contribute to general well-being: Self-awareness, a balanced diet and, regular physical activity. In order to lead a healthy lifestyle, it is essential that individuals constantly monitor their health. This involves not only physical, but also mental and emotional aspects of the body’s functioning, as they relate to the home, school, work, and leisure environments. If necessary changes are made sooner rather than later, then a stable, balanced and healthy lifestyle will be more consistently maintained.

In fact, the World Health Organization says being healthy is feeling that there are few physical or emotional impediments to doing things in your life that you would like. It is very difficult to live healthy nowadays. We are in continuous rush. Even if we have the knowledge what to do to have a healthy life, it is very difficult to combine it with every day’s duties. On the other hand, during last years we realised how important this matter is. With every year we care more and more to live healthy. We are trying to maintain the ‘keep it’ lifestyle, but do we really understand what does it mean?

To be ‘fitness’ means to be in general state of good health. So how should we organise our life to be this way? There are many opinions and answers to this question. One of them is presented in the LaLonde report, who suggested that health is dependent on four related aspects, which he called “human biology”, “environment”, “lifestyle”, and “healthcare organization”. Therefore, health is maintained through the science and practice of medicine, but can also be improved by individual effort. Physical fitness, a healthy.

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