Nursing theory websites

Nursing theory websites

            Several nursing theories are available on the Internet.  One of the websites is the homepage of the International Orem Society for Nursing Science and Scholarship (, which is designed to provide recognition for the contribution of Dorothy Orem (1914 – 2007) in the field of nursing.  Her nursing theory follows the model that each individual has the capability to take care of his own health and when an individual is incapable of doing so, nurses are necessary to take in the responsibility of providing care for these individuals (Orem, 1987).

            The second nursing theory website that was examined is that supported by the Connel School of Nursing of Boston College.  This website, which may be accessed at, provides a description of the Roy Adaptation Model, which was formulated by Sr. Callista Roy.  The nursing model is mainly based on the assessment of a patient’s ability to cope with medical conditions and determining what kind and extent of care is needed by a patient (Roy and Andrews, 1999).  Her work has resulted in the creation of the Roy Adaptation Association which provides support and dissemination of her nursing theory.

            Another nursing theory website describes the Johnson Behavioral System Model which was formulated by Dorothy Johnson (1919 – 1999).  The site, which is available at, provides information on the model as well as a biography of the nursing theorist.  Johnson’s nursing theory consists of eight behavioral areas that are claimed to be interrelated and result in a patient’s current medical condition (Johnson, 1990).  The model theory states that such specific behavioral patterns result in a specific condition of an individual, thus any future condition of a specific individual may be predicted based on these eight domains.  The model thus considers that behavioral aspects of an individual strongly influence the well-being and condition of a person.

            Comparison of these three nursing theory websites shows that there are different levels of information that can be gathered on these nursing theories.  The website on the Orem model of nursing is the most informative and comprehensive website because it provides both a detailed biography of the Dorothy Orem, as well as most of the publications that are related to this particular nursing theory.  The least informative website is that of Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model because it simply lists the publications that describe the nursing model.  The website of Callista Roy is not an independent website because it is situated within Boston College’s website and is not supported by an association that is related to the nursing theory.

            The three nursing theory websites do not compare or contrast their models with one another and only describe what their own nursing theory is all about.  The website on the Orem model is thus the best among the three websites because it provides the most current journal issues that follow the Orem model of nursing.  In addition, there are even personal anecdotes from fellow nurses that were able to meet and work with Dorothy Orem and how they appreciated her contribution to the field of nursing.  The Roy nursing website is also current because it provides information on the research projects that Sr. Callista Roy is conducting at the present time (Roy, 2007).  The Orem Model website is thus the most informative website because it generates a persuasive tone for the Internet surfer and may be appreciated by both nursing and non-nursing readers.  The goal and focus of the Orem Model website is well-focused on its model and the amount of information that is shared in this website may be helpful for researchers and interested readers as well.


Johnson DE (1990): The behavioral system model for nursing. In: M. E. Parker (Ed.), Nursing theories in practice. New York: National League for Nursing.

Orem DE (1987): Orem’s general theory of nursing. In: R. R. Parse (Ed.), Nursing science: Major paradigms, theories, and critiques. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.

Roy C and Andrews H (1999): The Roy Adaptation Model, 2nd Ed. Stamford, CT: Appleton & Lange.

Roy C (2007): Update from the Future: Thinking of Theorist Sr. Callista Roy. Nursing Science Quarterly. 20(2):113-116.


One of the definite advantage of the Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory is that it evidently differentiates the focus of nursing as compare to other disciplines (“Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Requisites Part II,” n. d. ). In addition to this, the languages …

Moreover, the origin of the model and the original ideas of Dorothea Orem have developed from the time when she works as one of the nurse consultants in the Indiana State Board of Health, way back in the year 1957. …

Certainly, the Self Care Deficit Theory of Dorothea Orem contributes well in profession and practice of nursing. Citing the event in the year 1970’s , such theory has been essential in the time of changes of researching and expanding the …

A nursing theory is very interesting but when discussed within its context. The sole primary element of and in nursing is first practice, which implies that nursing exists for the reason that there is a group of people to be …

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