Nursing Theories and Models

The human caring theory manifests in the nursing practice into several forms. In the succeeding paragraphs we explain how the caring theory is influencing clinical and nursing action and practice. In this sample we explain how the caring theory is implemented in the nursing practice. In the case of ensuring the cultivation of a sustained relationship that ensures authentic caring and helping, a nurse can better aid in the medical assistance of patients by creating a relationship between the patients.

None withstanding a relationship outside the medical setting, patients as persons can better explain their ailments to a person who has a connection with that person or has an outstanding relationship with the patient. This can better aid in effectively giving a sound and accurate diagnosis to the ailment to the patient’s ailments. In another situation, by being able to effectively connect with the patient and “stay” within the patient’s frame of reference, this can better aid in determining the medical ailment of the patient.

This can aid in determining the limits of to which the patient can take medical treatment and how the medical practitioners can better treat the patients in their ailment. This can ensure that since the nurse or the medical practitioner is grounded or is in the same frame of reference of the patient, the diagnosis is founded on the patient’s real ailments and not on hypothetical diagnosis.

Lastly, as the theory of human caring institutes a sense of genuine care and love for the patient and moreover a true sense of relationship between patient and nurse, there is a very good chance that while in the care of the nurse, this kind of bond or environment can actually increase the chances of healing. By being able to institute this kind of environment, it lightens the effectively alleviates the pressure and pains of the patient.

Aside from actual medications, genuine caring and love while empirically has not been proven to actually heal patients, it has been widely known based on medical experience and observations that it has truly effected in the health of the patients while in medical assistance.


1. Watson, J. (2006). Theory Evolution. Retrieved March 4, 2007 from http://www2. asp 2. Watson, J. (2006). Caring Theory Defined. Retrieved March 4, 2007 from http://www2. uchsc. edu/son/caring/content/evolution. asp 3. Mckenna, H. (1997). Nursing Theories and Models. London: Routledge. Pg. 85. 4. Cara, C. (2003) Continuing Education: A Pragmatic View of Jean Watson’s Caring Theory. International Journal for Human Caring. 7(3). Pg. 51-61

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