There are many physicians who would like to implement the EMR at some other place rather than the examination room. They want to enter the data about the patient after examining them and visiting them. So the terminals are establishes in nursing stations mostly. Sometimes the EMR is implemented at both the places which makes it easy to enter the information anywhere when they need to. But sometimes it is not possible just because of the hardware expenses so the physicians prefer to use it at one place where they feel it comfortable to enter the information about the patient.
Conference Rooms: EMRs have great importance during the discussions and conferences as it makes the records available to the physicians and they can discuss in the light of these records. It also makes the work quick as when the physician needs any information then he does not has to search for the particular patient’s file and record; he can just find out the history by just few clicks and then can discuss the case with the colleagues. Your Home:
If the physicians are setting up the EMR at their homes then it is possible for them to add the information regarding patient by sitting at home and they can study about the new researches and developments in their spare time. By using the internet they can also communicate with their patients about their condition and treatment. The physicians do not have to wait for the patients that when they will visit then the physicians will perform their further tasks. This thing makes the processes quick. Traveling:
EMR can also be made available 24/7 even when the physician is traveling. He can think about the treatment of the patient and can think about his case even when he is traveling and also can make contact to the patient. It makes the availability of EMR every time when desired. Patient’s Home: EMR can also be provided at the home of the patient. There are many cases where it is good to have the EMR system at the home of the patient and it provides convenience to the physicians and nurses under situations where they have to visit the patients at home.
(Everything you wanted to know, 7) Problem Definition: The problem that is going to be discussed in this study is the implementation of EMR everywhere and the centralization of EMR so that its accessibility becomes easier from any where at any time. Out hypothesis is that if the EMR becomes centralized then the accessibility of the records of patients will be easier and convenient. It will provide more efficiency to the system and the out come will be much more than expected.