Nursing Research

Evidence-based nursing, starting back sine the 1970s, continuously influences the use of research in nursing practices. Archie, a British physician, started the trend towards an evidence-based nursing and it was further developed and improved through several studies conducted by universities and nursing organizations or associations. In addition to this, the continuing development in the available technology, more particularly of computers and the internet, evidence-based nursing further reached a higher level.

On the contrary, it is important to take into account that there are still criticism, limitations and difficulties which are associated with evidence-based nursing. The implementation and efficient use of evidence-based nursing are still mysteries to some nurses and medical professionals even if it is already being practiced. While others are still unsure of the real definition or what it means to implement or use evidence-based nursing. As such, blame cannot be entirely be placed on the shoulders of the nurses and medical professionals.

The term evidence-based medicine or evidence-nursing occurs in a number of definitions and complete information regarding it is not yet achieved. Therefore, further development or increase in the trend of progress in evidence-based nursing should be considered. Evidence-based nursing needs or requires a broader characterization or classification of evidence. Moreover, there should be more extensive researches conducted in nursing practices. To do this, there are limitations and problems which need to be addressed.

One of which includes the lack of funds or source of funds for research or for supporting a long-term research. Only by providing all the requirements for the development and advancement of evidence-based nursing, particularly, seeking and receiving sufficient funds to support its growth, disseminating evidences and resources on evidence-based nursing to nurses and medical professionals, can evidence-based nursing be able to continue its increasing trend and meet the expectations of its users.


American Nurses Association of Critical-Care Nurses. (2006). AACN Position Statement on Nursing Research (Publication. Retrieved March 20, 2008: American Nurses Association. (2003). Nursing’s social policy statement: second edition. Washington, DC: American Nurses Association.

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