Nursing Research

One of the key events which effect on nursing research, in my view, is that the National Institutions of Health Revitalization Act of 1993 became law. From this historical Act, National Center of Nursing Research (NCNR) became the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) in 1993. From there, NINR upgraded its full status as a National Institutes of Health (NIH) which marked key milestone for nursing research in modern history. NINR provides its major funding for nursing research.

During the 1990s, NINR funded nursing research on the community-based nursing models, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), cognitive impairment, living with chronic illness, and bio-behavioral factors related to immunocompetence (Burns & Grove, 2003). NINR had facilitated some great scientific researches such as, promoting disease prevention and health promotion in the communities. It also looks at basic researches, improving knowledge of biological systems including the genetic and genomic contributions to symptoms and health conditions.

The goal of nursing research today is to develop an evidence-based practice (Burns & Grove, 2003). NINR funded research programs also promote clinical intervention studies, and improves better health outcomes. For example, NINR funded clinical study, leaded by Dr. Nancy Bergstrom, using qualities and quantitative research method, at multi-site study, successfully tested the Braden scale measurement for risk of pressure ulcer and the accuracy of Braden scale.

As the result, the scales are used in health care facilities not only in the States, but around the world as well. Paradigm is sets of beliefs and practices, shared by communities of researchers, which regulated within disciplines (Polit & Beck , 2012). NINR support and funded qualitative research study, which leaded by Dr. Joanne Harrell, in 1998. In her study, she proved risk of cardiovascular disease can begin at an early age and created an educational program for elementary school children that significantly lower their cholesterol levels in just eight weeks.

NINR greatly funded qualitative nursing research study in palliative and end of life care. The research developed and tested bio-behavioral interventions for chronically illness patients during their final stage of their life. In the study, Hill found that doctors only focus on relieving and preventing the suffering of patients in their clinical practice.

However, in the palliative care, the multidisciplinary team includes physicians, pharmacists, nurses, chaplains, social workers, sychologists and other allied health professionals in formulating a plan of care to relieve suffering both emotionally and physically to improve a patient’s quality of life (Hill, 2007). Palliative medicine is appropriate for patients in all disease stages, including patients who are nearing the end stage of life. As a result, patients’ quality of life across their life span has improved. Today the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) serves as a significant milestone in contemporary nursing research study.

Nursing research focuses on the creation and promotion of increased levels of standards of care related to higher quality of life during chronic illnesses and to help in the promotion of healthy lives and decrease complications that may cause a …

The nursing profession is an evidence based practice which has made nursing research an important factor in nursing growth and development from the time of Florence Nightingale until present day. Nursing research is the process of gathering evidence that supports …

Palliative care is a specialized segment of health care which involves minimizing and preventing the patients’ pain and suffering. Patients suffering from chronic illness, end of life or curable illness may be placed in palliative care. The goal of palliative …

The following assignment will review a chosen piece of nursing research and reflect on how it could have an impact on practice. According to Polit & Beck (2004), the aim of critically appraising an article is ‘an attempt to determine its strengths and …

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