Myocardial infarction

According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular disease is the most common death in the U. S. These heart attacks and strokes are responsible for more than 15 million deaths worldwide each year. Doctors assure that every day nearly 2,500 people in many other countries around the world die from heart diseases. In my opinion, the heart is a major important organ in our life which keeps us alive and keep other organs in our body functioning. There are different ways to avoid a heart disorder or heart failure, such as staying happy, exercising, and reducing stress.

What is Heart Disease? Heart disease is a cardiovascular disease that is an abnormal function of the heart or heart vessels. It can increase risks of heart attacks, heart failure, stoke and cardiac rhythm problems. The most common heart diseases are due to infections, inflammation, environment and genetic. To prevent a heart disease or heart failure you have to have a healthy lifestyle and avoid smoking fattening foods or avoid stress. How to maintain a Healthy Heart.

Don’t smoke or use tobacco, smoking or using tobacco is one of the most risky causes for developing heart disease. Smoking can also affect your lungs, the tobacco and cigarettes has a lot of chemicals and can also affect the blood vessels. Another way to maintain a healthy heart is to stay active and exercise at least for 30 minutes on most days of the week. Staying active minimize the risk for developing heart problems in the future. Arrhythmia An Arrhythmia is a problem with the rate rhythm of your heartbeat.

Most arrhythmia is inoffensive but some of them can result in serious cause. The causes There are many causes for developing this disease. The most causes are, scarring of heart tissue from a previous heart attack, blocked arteries of your heart, high blood pressure, smoking and taking a lot of medications. Symptoms Most common symptoms are Fainting, chest pain, paleness, shortness of breath. Treatment Some arrhythmia are not are inoffensive but other can lead to serious problems Common arrhythmias treatment can include medicines, medical procedures, and surgery.

That all depends on your doctor and what type of arrhythmia you where indentified with the most.

References http://www. heart. org/HEARTORG/Caregiver/Resources/WhatisCardiovascularDisease/What-is-Cardiovascular-Disease_UCM_301852_Article. jsphttp://www. nhlbi. nih. gov/health/h http://www. who. int/features/qa/27/en/ http://www. nhlbi. nih. gov/health/health-topics/topics/arr/treatment. html http://www. nhlbi. nih. gov/health/health-topics/topics/arr/ http://my. clevelandclinic. org/heart/disorders/electric/arrhtymiatreatment. aspx.

? Heart failure makes people think that their heart is no longer working and there is nothing that can be done to correct it, but heart failure really means the heart is not pumping as good as it should be. …

Introduction: I. Have you been around when someone was having a heart attack? Unlike me I have been in this situation and can tell you from experience it is a scary situation to be in, and my hopes is to …

Myocardial ischemia is a condition in which the demand for oxygen by the myocardium exceeds supply and this leads to systolic dysfunction (Kusumoto, 1999). The damage is temporary and it is usually due to inability of the coronary artery to …

?Doctors mean well, they really do. But they’re often too busy to properly educate their patients, or even too busy to stay abreast of the latest medical advances in the field. But sadly, heart disease is STILL the #1 killer …

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