My training programme

Brief comments after each session 2 marks 1 After this first session I found I enjoyed the whole circuit. The one thing that I have found a bit difficult was completing the press-ups and Tricep-dips, I think the reason being when I had been weight lifting the night before and my arms were sore. On the whole I really enjoyed the circuit. 2 After my second session of my circuit I have felt more confident at completing the exercises. There were a few problems again with the tricep-dips and press-ups as I go to the gym every Sunday night and last night I pulled the muscle in my left shoulder making it difficult to complete these activities.

My jumping went down from 20 to 12 this session; this is because I changed the style of my jumps. I went from just holding on in one place to going all of the way up the bench and back again. 3 This week I really enjoyed the circuit, however at one time I came across the problem that my arms were hurting but as I have said previously I have to go to the gym on a Sunday night and I complete vigorous weight training sets. This is why my arms can ache on a Monday morning. I still enjoy completing my circuit though. My knees have been fine so far throughout the 4

An excellent session I improved on nearly everything and if I didn’t improve I stayed the same as the previous week. I still had to go to the gym on Sunday night but I found it easier to complete the circuit as I feel I am getting used to it and maybe my arms getting stronger and are able to last for a longer period of time. 5 This session wasn’t as good as I had hoped, it was my last session and I hoped that everything improved but my press-ups dipped as I had been un able to train a couple of times the previous week and I was still a tiny bit tired from swimming at the Kent championships at swimming at the weekend.

I chose to complete only one hyperextension this week so I could see whether I had enough stamina and muscular endurance to last for a whole minute. Session Recording: heart rate 2 marks Recording: recovery rate 2 marks 1 Before exercise my resting pulse rate was 90 beats per minute. During exercise it rose to 190 beats per minute. My recovery rate was three minutes. It took three minutes to get from 200 beats per minute to 90 beats per minute. 2 Before exercise my pulse rate was 60 beats pre minute. During the exercise it rose to 200 beats per minute.

My recovery rate was again three minutes as it took me three minutes to get from 200 to 60. 3 Before exercise my pulse rate was 60 beats pre minute. During the exercise it rose to 180 beats per minute. This tells me that at that point I wasn’t working hard enough. My recovery rate was three minutes to get back to 60 from 180. After one minute it was down to 100 beats per minute. 4 Before exercise my pulse rate was 60 beats pre minute. During the exercise it rose to 200 beats per minute. This tells me that at that point I was working harder than I had been the previous week.

My recovery rate was three minutes to get back to 60 from 200. After one minute it was down to 110 beats per minute. 5 Before exercise my pulse rate was 60 beats pre minute. During the exercise it rose to 200 beats per minute. This tells me that at that point I was working as hard as I had been the week before this. My recovery rate was four minutes to get back to 60 from 210. After one minute it was down to 110 beats per minute. This tells me that I had been working extremely hard and had risen my pulse over the weeks that it was taking longer than normal to get back to 60 beats per minute.

Concluding Statement/summary of results 2 marks I am pleased with how my circuit has gone over the past five weeks. Overall I have improved and that was the main target for me. I will be able to tell next week whether I have definitely improved as we will be completing the bleep test and I can see whether I improve on my previous score. I am really delighted that seven of my ten stations improved although 3 did not improve. This may have been due to my work in the gym each week the day before I completed the programme. My heart rate was well in my training zone and I feel like I performed well each week.

Evaluation Planning Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks) Refer to your pre-test score(s) for any fitness test(s). I think that I planned my programme rather well in accordance to my pre-test scores for the fitness tests we completed. My pre-test scores are not all as good as I had hoped. My bleep test influenced my training programme because it meant that I had to include some exercises to work on this aspect of fitness. I had to include some work on jumping and power as my sergeant jump was not very good. /2 Was the programme at the right level for you?

When I planned my programme I felt it was at the right level for me. I knew what I could and couldn’t do so I knew that I would be able to complete my training programme to what I had planned. I felt that I had a balance of muscular and cardiovascular work. I felt that it was set so that it was challenging but so that I could do it. /2 Were the exercises in the correct order? Explain why/why not. When I planned my training programme I made sure that I put the exercises in the correct order. I didn’t put any exercises that used the same muscles together to help reduce muscle fatigue.

I also alternated my exercises between muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance to allow a suitable working pace. /2 Explain how you applied the principles of progression/overload. I planned to apply the principles of training specifically the principles of progression and overload by aiming to complete more repetitions each week, in theory and intended to work harder at each station. I put the principle of overload in to use by completing the F. I. T. T rule. /2 Were the exercises/ activities the correct ones to choose? Explain why/why not.

I believe that all of my exercises were the correct ones to choose because they are essential for improving my endurance. They were the correct exercises to choose also because I knew that although they were challenging I could complete them. /2 Performing Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks) Explain how you applied the principles of progression/overload. During the course of my training programme I applied the principles of progression and overload by increasing the number of repetitions I completed on each station and by applying the F. I. T. T. rule.

I put the principle of overload into my programme by working harder each week and overall increasing my pulse by 10 beats per minute. /2 Were the exercises/ activities the correct ones to choose? Explain why/why not. The exercises were the correct ones to choose because I was able to complete them without getting to tired and I liked completing the exercises. I didn’t change any of my exercises but I did develop some. On the last week I developed my hyperextensions I developed it to see whether I could hold one for a minute. /2 Was the programme easy to manage (set up, do, record progress etc)?

The programme was easy to set up and manage as I had some one timing me on each of the stations so I knew that all I had to concentrate on was completing the exercises to the best of my ability and better each time I completed them. The equipment was already set up for us so we just had to get in there and get going. /2 Were the exercises in the correct order? Explain why/why not. The exercises were in the correct order because they were not two of the same in a row. This was so that I did not get too tired and I was able to complete the rest of my circuit, to the best of my ability.

I did not change the order of any of the exercises. /2 Did you enjoy it and work to your limit? How do you know? I enjoyed completing my circuit each lesson and I always completed it to the best of my ability. I know that I completed each of them to the best of my ability because I knew that I could not complete them anymore and that I had enough time in the minutes rest to get back to normal for the next station. I know that I worked to the best of my ability because my pulse was in the training zone. /2 Monitoring Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks)

Were the exercises/ activities the correct ones to choose? Explain why/why not. I was able to monitor the exercises throughout because I had planned carefully and would completely focus on each station. I was able to ensure all exercises were appropriate and being effective well because they were the correct ones to choose the only one that was a bit difficult to monitor was the hyperextensions as on the last week I held it for a whole 60 seconds rather than completing as many as I could in a minute. This meant that I changed the requirements of this station. /2 Were the exercises in the correct order?

Explain why/why not. The exercises were in the correct order for me as I could complete the circuit effectively and efficient. I did not feel during the circuit my muscles were being overloaded and completed the stations without problems or injury. /2 Did you make any changes to your programme? Explain why you did/did not do so. I did not make any changes to my training programme as it was not necessary to do so. I was quite comfortable with the original circuit and the order in which my exercises came. I didn’t have to change anything in my programme as I found it pleasing to complete.

I did change the hyperextensions on week 5 so I would test my stamina. /2 Explain the effects performing had on you in any of the 5 sessions. I didn’t really get affected with the programme. It did hurt my knees occasionally but they were o. k. The tricep-dips were the main cause of my problems with both my knees and my arms, upper arms as the tricep-dips were harder than the other activities I chose to complete in my circuit. The circuit made my heart rate and pulse rate and breathing rate increase. I became hot and I started to perspire. /2

Were the results you achieved what you expected? Explain why this was/was not the case I expected to have a few dips in my results because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to perform at an excellent standard because I had been to the gym the night before but I was excepting more dips than I came across when completing my circuit, but other than this I was excepting to improve every week by a little bit. I half expected to reach my target each week and I nearly did. /2 Final evaluation Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks)

Refer to your post test scores I am glad that my post test fitness scores show that my training programme has worked. In the Harvard step test result before the training programme it was 70. 8 and after the programme it was 97. 4, which is much better. With the bleep test I didn’t make very much improvement. Before the test I was 4. 7 and after the programme it was 5. 1. Although this is an improvement it is not as great an improvement as I had hoped for. My flexibility has improved and it is now 20cm rather than the 18cm it was before.

I have improved in my scores however none of the comments have changed. /2 Was the programme easy to manage (set up, do, record progress etc)? The programme was fairly easy to set up and complete the only thing I found time consuming was researching how to complete all of the stations properly without injuring myself. I was able to progress through my circuit easily as I knew that I just had to work harder each session. The programme was easy to record as I only had to write down the number of repetitions at the end of each station and record pulse rate as done during the circuit.

/2 Explain what progress or improvements you have made as a result of completing the programme. As a result of the programme I have made several improvements to my fitness levels perfect as I have been able to get through it without any problems. I have made progress with my cardiovascular endurance as when we completed the bleep test for the second time I did better than before we did the circuit. I improved in my muscular endurance as well only minutely but I did. /2 Did you enjoy it and work to your limit? How do you know?

I enjoyed completing my circuit and all of the planning was fun, because I got to look at many different types of circuits and what each exercise was useful for training. I worked to my limit throughout the planning, performing, monitoring and now the evaluation. I have also enjoyed working through it which has made me work harder at the training programme and all of the extra areas I have had to complete. I know that iu worked to my limit because during the planning stage I did a lot of research and then I performed my programme to the best of my ability.

I know this because my pulse rate was in my training zone. I know that I worked as hard as possible for my monitoring section because I kept it up to date. /2 If you were going to continue with the programme what changes would you make? I don’t think I need to make many changes. But if I had to change something then it would be my hyperextensions station because I feel I don’t get as much out of them as I could with having a different activity. A different activity could be shuttle runs. I could have a more complex ladder drill in my circuit to make it more challenging.

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