My Opinions On Smoking And Drinking

I, personally think that smoking and drinking should be banned from the world. I don’t want to be in their company, if I am in a room with a smoker, I am smoking too, I am breathing in their poison even when I don’t want to. Smoking and drinking bring nothing but makes problems. More people are getting killed everyday, people lose their mother’s, dad’s brothers and any other member of their family because of smoking and drinking. it is an addictive drug and very hard to give up when you start.

If the government made it against the law, that would be a start. People spend millions and millions of pounds on smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. One way to stop people from smoking would be to make it very, very expensive- say about twenty pounds per packet. Then if they still want to smoke and kill themselves, their money can be used to help sick children or to build hospitals. Children at the age of ten start smoking these days and they are being sold cigarettes and alcohol at these ages.

Children think they are big and grown-up and clever when they smoke. They shouldn’t have smoking in films maybe then they wouldn’t copy. Children at the age of fifteen suffer from all kinds of illnesses including cancer and even some born as disabled or handicapped because their mum smoked when she was pregnant. When women are pregnant, they should be shown films about the dangers to their children if they smoke. Maybe then they wouldn’t smoke around then when they’re little and the kids won’t grow up to copy them.

I am going to start of with my first target, which is to stop smoking. You smoke 20 cigarettes a day. This equals to 100 cigarettes a week and it is having a bad effect on your health. Over a …

I have come to realize that in today’s society there are many aspects of life that dissatisfy me. Being brought up in the south, I have had “hands on” experience with farmers growing some of the ingredients in cigarettes. Many …

Smoking is considered as one of people’s detrimental activities. Smoking is one of the main problems in the contemporary society for it renders health problems not only to the smokers but also to people who are inhaling the second-hand smoke. …

                                               Kicking the Smoking Habit WE WILL WRITE A CUSTOM ESSAY SAMPLE ON ANY TOPIC SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU FOR ONLY $13.90/PAGE Write my sample             After realizing that smoking was a serious danger to my health, I decided that I …

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