Dangers of Smoking

Smoking is considered as one of people’s detrimental activities. Smoking is one of the main problems in the contemporary society for it renders health problems not only to the smokers but also to people who are inhaling the second-hand smoke. Cigarette smoking has been identified as one of the most preventable cause of premature deaths around the globe.

In United States, it is estimated that smoking took approximately 438,000 lives each year, inclusive of people who are indirectly affected by smoking, such as babies who are born prematurely because their mothers smoke while they are still pregnant and people who developed diseases due to second-hand smoke (“Smoking 101 Fact Sheet”). Recent important facts about smoking are made known to public to further discourage people who smoke. A cigarette is believed to contain over 4,800 chemicals.

69 of these chemicals can cause cancer. Smoking is the main cause for the 90 percent of the deaths due to lung cancer and 80-90 percent of COPD (emphysema and chronic bronchitis) deaths. Around 8. 6 million Americans acquired at least one serious ailment due to smoking or exposure to second-hand smoke. Furthermore, in 2005, an approximately 45. 1 million or 21 percent of American adults were smokers. The advertising of tobacco industries plays a significant role in children in developing life long affinity to cigarettes.

It was found out that most smokers start smoking before they reach the age of 21 (“Smoking 101 Fact Sheet”). Smoking is associated to the formation of various diseases. Smoking is one of the causes of premature aging. It is also one of the main causes of lung-related diseases like lung cancer and other respiratory illnesses. Smoking increases your risk in developing lung cancer, bladder cancer and cervical cancer. Smoking is also a major factor in the development of coronary diseases.

Smoking increases your blood pressure which makes a person vulnerable to heart attack and stroke. Pregnant women are also at risk due to smoking. They may have miscarriage and stillbirth. The baby may have birth defects due to maternal smoking (Fischer). In addition, smoking may also be related to the malignancies of the body. It is also linked to other disorders and conditions which include gradual healing of wounds, sterility and peptic ulcer (“Smoking 101 Fact Sheet”). A person is always responsible for his own actions.

The government performs various actions to prevent or discourage people in smoking such as intense campaign against it and smoking bans in particular public places. In my own opinion, these two goes hand in hand in preventing the further risks of smoking. People have free will to decide on their activities and the government has their duty to protect the welfare of the people.

Works Cited

“Smoking 101 Fact Sheet”. Quit Smoking. May 2007. American Lung Association. 27 November 2008 <http://www. lungusa. org/site/c. dvLUK9O0E/b. 39853/k. 5D05/Smoking_101_Fact_Sheet. htm>.

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