My fitness in basketball and boxing

My name is Victor Oshin and I have been a student at Brampton Manor School for 21/2years. I am 15 years old and I am a keen player of basketball, although I play a wide variety of different sports at this current time I am full engaging in basketball as it has become a boxer so on that note I am going to base my PEP (Personal Exercise Programme) around enhancing my fitness in basketball and boxing.

The PEP (Personal Exercise Programme) will base on a six week training schedule put together for an individual person. The exercise sessions will follow all the guidelines of the principles of training in order to make them safe and suitable for the performer. In planning my PEP I plan to follow the plan set out on page 2. The main considerations in planning are going to be making the training specific to my needs.

When participating in basketball I know through personal experience as well as fact that fatigue can hinder one’s performance. To make my training specific to my needs, In my six week training schedule I will work on my cardiovascular fitness and my muscular endurance. In order to make my training specific to basketball must firstly think about the requirements the sport places on my body and what elements of fitness are required to play a high standard of basketball.

The components of health related fitness are: 1. Cardiovascular fitness 2. Muscular Endurance 3. Muscular Strength 4. Flexibility 5. Body Composition Although Basketball requires elements of all these components I am going to work specifically on muscular endurance and muscular strength. The reason for this being that during a game of basketball I find as the match progresses my three point shot loses power and my passes are not reaching the players.

There are a number of training methods I could use such as, 1. Fartlek training 2. Circuit training 3. Continuous training 4. Interval training For the purpose of this PEP I will only be working on the fitness elements of basketball and not the skill elements, therefore I believe the best method of training to meet the above needs is circuit training. My PEP focus will therefore be in the following areas Cardio vascular fitness – the ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time, this is dependent on the heart, blood and blood vessels. In order to achieve this I will use the method of Continuous training – which is aerobic exercise at a moderate to high level with no rests lasting for a sustained period of time.

Muscular Endurance – the ability to use voluntary muscles over long periods of time without getting tired and Muscular strength – the amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance in one attempt. In order to achieve this I will be using circuit training, which is a series of exercises in order and for a certain time limit. In order to ascertain my current and starting level of fitness I will undertake the coopers 12 minute run and the bleep test. I will also take my resting heart rate and measure my recovery rate. The aim of the PEP will be to retest these t weeks 3 and 6 and hopefully show that the training has led to improved level of fitness.

Throughout the 6 week programme I will be applying the following principles SPORT to my training. Specificity This requires an understanding of the needs of the event. E.g. Training for goalkeepers will require a lot of reaction work The actions in training should copy the actions used in the game and be practiced at the speeds required for competition.


Exercising at the same degree of difficulty all the time will only maintain current fitness levels. Your body needs to be put under slightly more pressure to continue to improve. Training ‘target zones’ will increase as fitness improves. Overload Muscles can be improved by making the muscles work harder than normal. Putting greater demands on the body by exercising can improve fitness. The point where exercise is demanding enough to have an effect on the body is called the ‘Threshold of training’. Reversibility Just as the body will increase in strength, tone and skill with exercise, it will lose them without it. Endurance capabilities can be lost three times faster than it can be gained – if you don’t use it you lose it! Tedium I will make sure when I am exercising I will keep it interesting so that I would want to do it again.

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