My Current Fitness Level

My current fitness level is quite high, I recently finished being a ball boy at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships and before that had to get through 3 months of rigorous training. As well as that I train every Friday for Ashford Town F. C. and play for them every Sunday. I also take part in GCSE P. E. in school, this means I do P. E. twice a week and play football, rugby, badminton and lots of other sports. Outside of school I play sports with friends.

So I would say that I have got quite I high fitness level, because of this I don’t think the changes in my fitness will be that big, I have written this in more detail in my prediction. Prediction I think that doing my 5-week training programme will make me fitter, but as I already have a high level of fitness, the results will be very small. The principle of progression states that the biggest changes would happen in the first few weeks, but as I already do fitness training for my football team I am already very fit and so any changes made will be small ones.

But if I stick to the training programme I will be fitter then I am now. The principle of reversibility states that any changes made can be reversed so if I build up my cardio-vascular system by running and then after the training programme stop I will lose the work I had done, it is the same as if I build up my Quadriceps to make me faster and then stop after the five weeks the extra muscles I built up will turn to fat. The Time Of The Training Programme

The training programme should be completed in pre-season so when it is completed the player is at his or nearly at his peak of fitness ready to play competitive football, the players extra fitness will make him/her a much better player then anyone else who hadn’t been training during the pre-season. Training Methods Continuous Training: Continuous training is a good way to improve the aerobic system. It is also a good way to burn body fat, you can run, swim, cycle or walk for at least 30 minuets at the same pace without rest.

The principle of overload can be put into practice by increasing time, distance, speed or all three. People should start off at around 60% of their maximum heart rate (220 – your age) and work up to 75% of their maximum heart rate. But continuous training can be very boring and contains no skill work and to improve my football game I would also need to include sprint sessions. Fartlek Training: Fartlek training was developed in Sweden, the word means speed play, and the method involves many changes of speed.

You can use it to improve both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. It can be adapted for running, skiing and other activities. Fartlek training is very good for team games such as football as it has many changes of speed, which simulates a match situation where changes of speed are needed all the time. Again for this type of training motivation is needed and if you are jogging for 5 minuets the athlete decides on the speed. Because how fast is a jog? Interval Training:

Interval training involves following a fixed pattern of fast work followed by slow work or rests. This methods again needs lots of motivation as it causes pain if you work hard enough, but if done in a group you can clearly see if someone is not working to there maximum potential. Circuit training: Circuit training is a good way to simultaneously improve mobility, strength and stamina. Circuit training is a group of 6 to 10 strength exercises that are completed one exercise after another.

Each exercise is performed for a certain number of repetitions or for a certain time period before moving on to the next exercise. The Warm Up & Cool Down Doing a warm up and cool down are very important as the warm up helps to prevent any pulled muscles and the cool down will help to stop stiff muscles in the hours after the training. This warm up will be a general warm up and done before every session and will stretch all the major muscle groups before specific stretching on the muscles that are going to be used in that training session.

First do 5-10 minuets very slow jogging just to get your body and muscles warmed up. During the warm up I am going to use dynamic stretching as this puts the muscles through their full range of motion and if done slowly should prevent injury’s as they reduce muscle stiffness. Joint Rotations – Stand with your arms hanging loosely at you sides, flex, extend, and rotate each of the following joints: Fingers, Wrist, Elbows, Shoulders, Neck, Hips, Knees, Ankles, Feet and Toes Neck Mobility –

Tuck your chin into your chest, and then lift your chin upward as far as possible. Lower your left ear toward your left shoulder and then your right ear to your right shoulder. Turn your chin toward your left shoulder and then rotate it toward your right shoulder. Hold each of these positions for 8 seconds. Shoulder Circles – Stand tall, feet shoulder width apart. Raise your right shoulder towards your right ear, take it backwards, down and then up again to the ear in a smooth action. Repeat with the other shoulder.

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